Status: Active

Love Bites

Nightly Dreams

“Hello” The voice was familiar and when those hands turned me around I came face to face with those bright blue eyes that had stared at me intensely this afternoon. Damon stood watching me a smile on his face causing my eyes to somewhat widen in shock from seeing him.

“What are you doing here?” I questioned softly putting the bat on the floor feeling bad that I had hit him.

“Can’t I come visit you?” I raised my eyebrow excited but nervous, what was Damon doing, I had just met him.

“You just met me, I wasn’t exactly expecting it” Damon took a step closing the space between us. His eyes watched my face, as if he were studying me.

“I like you, isn’t that enough reason?” I smiled shaking my head no.

“No you don’t” I whispered under my breath as I watched Damon step closer inching toward me.

“I can prove it you know” I watched Damon as he lifted his hand and touched my cheek making me shiver.

“Damon, what are you doing?” He leaned in toward me grabbing me by the shoulder lightly pushing me into the wall causing my eyes to widen.

“Who are you? And what are you?” He questioned pinning his arm above my head a vacant smile on his face. I tilted my head confusedly shrugging once while letting a laugh escape my lips.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about” I stated as nonchalantly as he slammed his hand once on the wall grabbing me by the collar of my shirt glaring violently at me.

“Why the hell do I feel this way around you” He growled angrily causing my heart to stop beating in my chest. I felt panicked and anxious, I was scared out of my mind and my hands began to tremble as I grabbed his forceful hand that was grabbing onto the edge of my shirt.

“Are you going to hurt me?” I questioned quietly with no emotion, I began to feel this fear in the pit of my stomach, this worry, that something terrible was going to happen, but Damon simply looked at me almost taken back.

“You can’t trust me” I squeezed his hand lightly causing him to release his grip on my shirt.

“Why can’t I trust you Damon?” I spoke hesitantly watching his eyes snap back at me angrily.

“I’m no good for you Erin, I’m a killer. I am a born killer” His hand slammed into my shoulder shoving me into the wall causing me to grimace in pain. Then the last thing I expected happened, Damon released quickly and took a step back.

“Damn it, look I’m sorry Erin, I don’t get what’s going on, but there is this thing that you did to me, and I hate it” He rubbed his face then glanced up a small frown on his lips. I kept my body pinned to the wall, scared to even move while he watched me almost carefully.

“Erin, I won’t hurt you” I stared at Damon in silence while he took a step toward me.

“For the first time, I don’t know why, but I am going to keep this promise, I won’t hurt you” Damon leaned in bringing his lips toward my cheek. My eyes widened terrified that he was going to hurt me in some form, but when his lips touched my cheek, and his scent hit my nose, I melted. I knew this person meant no harm, and when he stood here just like this, excitement ran through my body.

“I know you won’t” I spoke softly causing Damon’s stance to stiffen. He didn’t move, but he quickly loosened his muscles brining me close to him my face touching his chest and his lips nuzzled into the crevice of my neck.

“How do you know?” His breath tickled my shoulder before I felt him place a soft kiss on my neck.

“I trust you” I stated causing Damon to stop and look down at me.

“You shouldn’t trust me” He pulled away watching me cautiously still holding onto my arms.

“I do though” Damon scanned my face looking me straight in the eyes, then it happened he pulled my face roughly within his hands placing a kiss on my lips causing my heart to flutter. Damon intensified the kiss causing my heart to race faster and faster as his hands trailed my arms and my waist. I felt Damon’s skin under my fingertips. But then he stopped and whispered in my ear.

“You’re going to have to forget about tonight” I shook my head no pulling away placing a kiss on his lips causing Damon to stop talking.

“I don’t want to” Damon’s hands traced the skin on my waist.

“I’m okay with this, I don’t want to forget” He paused holding me close to him, and I watched him carefully just hoping that he’d stay here longer and kiss me like that again. I sighed when he didn’t reply and pulled away from him moving close to my bed where I laid down.

“Ok Damon, I’ll forget about tonight, Later” I closed my eyes irritated at the fact that he’d go through all this work to tell me that he wanted me not to remember any of this. But before I knew it I felt a weight next to me, and when I turned my head I came face to face with Damon causing me to turn a bright red. I watched him as he sat up leaning over me. My heart began to flutter as he leaned down to place a sweet kiss on my lips. When he pulled away he just smiled at me staring into my eyes with this sincere look on his face.

“I don’t understand why you’re the only girl who has ever made me feel this way” I smiled back at him placing my hand on his cheek running my finger over his lips.

“I don’t understand how I just met you a couple hours ago, and now were here” I laughed lightly as Damon leaned down again placing a kiss on my lips. Then that’s all I remember. I woke up the next morning remembering the dream I had feeling somewhat awkward about how I pictured Damon. It had been so realistic but I knew it didn’t happen no matter how much I secretly wished it had.
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Hey guys!!!!! New chapter! Sorry the first two have been rather short, but I promise that they will be longer very soon!!!!! Thank you so much for reading and if you like this story enough don't be shy to comment or maybe even subscribe! Thanks much!!! :DD