Status: Active

Love Bites

The Strangers

The morning I understood would be rather slow with not that many interesting things happening. I managed to throw my hair up into a messy ponytail and walk out into the hall running down the steps to come face to face with Elena, Stefan, and Jeremy in the kitchen. They all glimpsed at me a smile coming on their faces.

“Erin! What happened to you yesterday?” Elena laughed throwing her arms around me causing me to chuckle.

“It was a long drive” I glanced at Stefan who was just smiling at me, but he held a disturbed look on his face.

“Why so serious?” I questioned making a pouty face causing Stefan to laugh and glance at Elena who shrugged.

“Erin has always been pretty talented with reading people” Jeremy spoke up causing me to jokingly glare at him and roll my eyes.

“Not exactly something I can put on a resume, but hell it gets me through life” Everyone
laughed before they glanced at each other. Then Jeremy said something that caused Elena’s hand to smack him and Stefan to shoot him a glare.

“We should tell her” Those words caused him pain as he made a grimace glaring at both Elena and Stefan.

“Tell me what?” I looked at everyone in the room curiously as I grabbed some milk and cereal.

“That you should come with us to the grill tonight” Elena grinned, but something felt weird in the room, and even though I didn’t know what it was, I was definitely excited to get out and learn more about Mystic Falls.

“Sounds great” I smiled looking at Stefan who nodded before he looked toward Elena, while Stefan and Elena were staring at each other as if they were having a conversation I managed to make myself a sandwich, taking a bite much larger then I could chew. Then I heard the front door, followed by Damon’s voice.

“I’m home” Damon called out jokingly, and before he showed up at the kitchen entrance I spat out the food in my mouth, fixed my hair, adjusted my clothes causing Elena, Stefan, and Jeremy to bust out in laughter. When Damon walked into the kitchen it was as if everything was normal, the only problem was everyone was still laughing at my reaction.

“Did I miss something?” Damon questioned confusedly looking at each person while I stood their quietly.

“All I know man, is she’s definitely a miracle worker, she did not look like that when she came downstairs, but then of course YOU showed up” Jeremy stated choking back a laugh.

I glared at him grabbing the rest of my sandwich throwing it in his face causing him to quickly shut up.

“Shut it kid” Jeremy stuck out his tongue causing me to laugh lightly. I then walked past Stefan and Elena saying my goodbyes before I stared up at Damon.

“Hey Damon, I was actually just heading upstairs to unpack, but I’ll catch you later” I nudged Damon who nodded as I walked past him up the stairs and toward my room. Damn it I felt like an idiot. I walked into the room shutting the door angrily before I stared toward the suitcases bitterly.

Unpacking? Who the hell was I kidding?

I grabbed my jeans, my leather jacket, and a tank top getting quickly dressed. I then walked into the bathroom doing my hair and makeup, plus all the usual morning things. Grabbing my car keys I walked down the stairs hearing conversation in the kitchen. Walking slowly toward the door, I twisted the knob quickly before quietly shutting the front door behind me.

Then I got into my car, put the keys into the ignition, and sped away.
I rolled down the window feeling the breeze through my hair causing me to smile in satisfaction. I passed the lights, passed the signs, taking in what was Mystic Falls. It gave me the sensation of some far off eastern town, small, the whole everyone knows everyone setting. I came up to a red light coming to a stop when a car pulled up beside me.

Thankfully I had my sunglasses on when I made eye contact with the passenger in the car beside me. His eyes watched me closely, and his stare brought goose bumps on my skin. It took cars honking from behind me for me to pass the green light and go onto the next street as I watched the car that was in front of me closely. Who the hell was that guy? And why was he staring at me like that? I paused my train of thought hearing my phone buzz from the passenger seat beside me. When I looked at the screen Jeremy’s name stood out as I read the text he had sent me.

“Hey everyone left, where the hell are you I need to show you something you probably don’t know about, come home and hurry up” I read the message over and over again as I cocked my eyebrow in thought. Then I turned onto the next street before I turned around heading back toward the house. Of course curiosity got the best of me, of course I wanted to know what Jeremy was going to tell me, and of course I was willing to drive all the way back to find this out. During the drive I glanced at my mirrors, But then something caught my attention quickly… I noticed the strange car following close behind me causing a knot to form in the middle of my chest. I watched my rearview mirror and I began to turn onto different streets seeing if maybe the car was heading the same way by coincidence. But when I turned on pointless streets where there was no commercial areas, I noticed the car was following me.

I panicked turning onto a busy street, then I did something I thought I’d never do, I suddenly hit the brake causing the car behind me to crash into the back of my vehicle sending my body forward. I hit my forehead on the steering wheel, but at this point I didn’t care. I felt this surge of anger through myself that caused me to yank off my seatbelt and get out of the car walking toward the two strangers.

“Hey asshole what the hell do you think you’re doing!?” I yelled passing the smoke of the hood of the strange car, the two people were gone and I stood in the middle of the road looking like a complete idiot. I didn’t get what had just happened, and I didn’t even know if I overreacted to the situation, but all I did know was that the two people who had just been following were long gone. Then I found myself grabbing my phone and calling Elena.

“Hey Erin! What’s up?” I sighed out leaning against my car rubbing my face as people watched me shockingly. Cars simply went around the accident scene, and I began to feel like an even bigger moron.

“Elena I just got into a car wreck”

“What!?” Elena yelled, then I heard Stefan’s and Damon’s voices in the background as Elena jumped to conclusions more than likely telling them I had almost died and was in the emergency room, when I had only been in a fender bender.

“Elena! Hey! I’m fine, I just don’t know what to do”

“Were on our way, where are you?” I glanced around starring across from me seeing the grill and sighing in relief.

“Right across the street from The Grill”

“Ok we’ll be right over, hang tight!” Then Elena hung up leaving me in complete silence. Should I even mention the fact that the reason I got in this accident in the first place was because some creepers were following me? Or should I just keep quiet and lie saying that I was answering a text and not paying attention. I sighed out in frustration, my cousin would be here in a couple of minutes, and crap was going to happen how it was meant to happen. ..

Who the hell am I kidding? I’ll just lie.
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Hey guys!!! New update! Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoy this story! Sorry the beginning is still realllyyy slow, but I promise it will get a lot more interestiong when the plot unfolds. Thanks again!!! and remember! If you like this story enough comment or maybe even subscribe!!! :DDD