Status: Active

Love Bites




Next thing I know the room went black and I found myself waking up on my bed gasping from the daylight. I lifted my eyebrow in shock not understanding how I got to my room and why I ALWAYS dream about Damon. I growled from frustration to notice Jeremy enter my room and close the door behind him.

“Where the hell were you yesterday?” He questioned walking in and sitting on my bed causing me to lift my eyebrow and stare at him.

“Oh I don’t know I got followed home and was in a wreck” I stopped at the fact I didn’t know how I made it to my bed, and why the hell I keep having these weird dreams about Damon.

“I wanted to show you something, come on” Jeremy grabbed my hand while I rolled my eyes pulling my tired body out of bed. I walked behind Jeremy trailing into his room where he again closed the door behind him making sure he had locked it.

“What do you think about this?” He began to dig around under his bed until he managed to shake out a lose floor board grabbing a few worn old dainty journals. He then stood up handing me each small leather bound book while I stared at him curiously.

“What is this?”

“It’s from our ancestors” I removed the small tie around the book opening up to a random page to read the passage that almost made me choke back a laugh.
Killed my first vampire on this night; Call me devilish but what is being done will save many after my time.

“Oh Jeremy this is just bull shit” I flipped again through the pages seeing several sketches of what looked like weapons glancing at each picture curiously, before I lifted my head to see if Jeremy had reacted to my statement, but instead he just stood their quietly watching me.

“This is from our family, if it WERE to be true, we’re both connected to it somehow” I nodded my head lifting a finger smiling.

“Key word in that statement is IF Jer, look it’s just a little too Twilight” Jeremy’s lips twisted into a frown while he lifted up his eyebrows crossing his arms.

“You never crossed me as a believer, I don’t even know why I bothered” I watched Jeremy bring his arms over his chest before there was a knock on the door and Jeremy grabbed the journals throwing them under his bed.

“Don’t let ANYONE know about anything we talked about, the only reason I’m telling you is because I don’t think you should be left out of the loop” My cousin pointed a finger at me before he opened his bedroom door to see Elena standing there smiling sweetly at me.

“Hey Erin!” She pulled a small felt bag from behind her back waving it in front of me.

“I have your welcome home gift I have yet to give you” Elena laughed before she took a step forward putting the little red bag in my hand.

“I hope you like it!” I grinned pulling out a necklace from the bag. It was silver and there was a small heart charm with a little tiny sapphire bringing a large smile to my face.

“Oh Elena!! I love it!” I laughed throwing my arms around her.

“Just promise me one thing” She took the necklace from my hand while I turned around lifting my hair.

“Don’t EVER take it off, even when you shower, or go swimming, NEVER take it off, and if it breaks off tell me” Elena laughed lightly clipping the necklace around my neck.

“I promise” I grinned while Jeremy smiled beside me staring at his sister a smirk coming to his lips.

“Hopefully that won’t be a problem Elena” Elena’s smile held up, but I knew my cousin all too well, when Jeremy said that I knew she was annoyed with him. Elena then cleared her throat grabbing my shoulder and shaking it lightly.

“You’re staying with me today”

I laughed loudly patting my cousin’s arm.

“Where are we headed?” I asked bringing a smile to Elena’s face.

“First off we need to go to Stefan’s house, but afterwards we can go catch a movie or even go shopping” Elena’s bright smile caused me to grin like a fool.

“Sounds awesome let me get ready!” I turned my body to see Jeremy’s stare fixated on Elena who was shooting him a glare.

“Hey Jeremy, maybe we can hang out tomorrow?” Jeremy managed to tear his stare from Elena to smile toward me before nodding.

“That’d be great Erin, but I get you all day tomorrow” Jeremy pointed a finger at me smiling widely making me laugh.

“Alright kid” I sighed jokingly watching Jeremy frown at me while I laughed.

“I’m going to get ready okay Elena?” Elena nodded telling me it was okay to leave the room.
Awkwardly and quickly I walked toward the bathroom grabbing a towel and some clothes feeling it was extremely necessary if I was going to be seeing Damon. Ok so what, I was a single girl trying to get a guys attention, was it really that bad? Desperate sure. But bad?

I grabbed a dark red V-neck sweater and my leather jacket, with a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and converse. Sure it wasn’t that dressy or attention grabbing, but that style was definitely not my type.

After a hot shower washing my hair and body I got out of the water to wrap myself in a towel drying off my skin before slipping on my clothes. I then brushed my teeth about four times feeling extremely self-conscious. Then I quickly towel dried my hair leaving my natural waves to air dry while I did my makeup. Soon after a little bit of blush, eyeliner, and mascara, my hair had mostly dried and I was leaving the bathroom to see Elena brushed and ready.

“That was really quick” Elena grinned making me laugh as we walked down the stairs to say bye to Aunt Jenna who was in the kitchen talking to Alaric. They waved us goodbye as I pulled out my car keys waving them in front of Elena’s face.

“Were taking my car” Elena’s smile formed into a frown as she stared toward my old Mustang.

“Is it even going to make it?” Elena stated while I replied by sticking out my tongue.

“This car is my baby, and it has never once betrayed me” I slipped into the driver’s seat as Elena sat in the passenger side beside me.

“I’m sure, but right now I’m worried about my personal safety” Elena joked as I stuck the key in the ignition sarcastically glaring at my cousin.

“Yea yea, you’ll get there in one piece, I promise” I joked pulling away from the familiar house and hitting the road taking several directions from Elena before we reached a small forest and long driveway reaching up to an older bigger and definitely prettier house.

“This is amazing” I spoke in awe leaning past my steering wheel to get a better look out the window as I turned off the car.

“Wait till we get inside, I know you’ve always been into those classic style houses” I nodded listening to my cousin as we both got out of the car. I stuck my car keys into the pocket of my jacket as Elena and I walked toward the front door. I stood about two feet behind Elena as she knocked the door and waited for a familiar face to open.

“Are you sure I should be here Elena? I don’t want to impose” I spoke hesitantly feeling a little uncomftorable in my situation visiting my cousin’s boyfriend’s house who just met me, completely unannounced.

“Are you kidding Erin? Stefan told me to bring you along” I heard Elena’s words taking me away from my mental debate, but before I could say anything the front door opened to expose a smirking Damon who was now leaning on the doorframe.

“If it isn’t Elena” Damon’s smug smirk turned into a rather amused grin that made me slightly chuckle, this guy was just amazingly sarcastic.

“And her hot new cousin” Damon glanced beyond Elena causing my heart to stop as I glanced up lifting up an eyebrow. Again before I could say anything to cover my faint blush Elena crossed her arms over her chest peaking past Damon.

“Are you going to invite us in?” Elena questioned lifting her eyebrow. Damon watched her chuckling lightly his eyes brightening with a dark humor. He then moved away from the doorway glancing at me then Elena.

“Don’t let me stand in your way” He signaled for us to pass, but it cost a lot for my feet to even budge from the dirt I was standing on. When I realized Elena had already passed through the doorway I finally shoved myself forward and walked up the steps entering the house passing Damon who closed the door behind me. Elena was already far ahead leaving Damon and I walking closely to each other toward the living room.

“Why are you so nervous?” His words were covered in amusement as he stepped closer to me. I glanced toward Damon forcing a smile on my lips trying to cover up my hesitation.

“I’m not nervous”

“First stage is always denial, it’s ok to be nervous around me, after all I am stunningly good looking” Damon passed me turning around to face me as he walked backward a large smirk on his lips. I watched him taking in his gestures and the way he spoke, and then it hit me, I knew exactly how to mess around with guys like Damon.

“Yea, I guess you are, but there is always better” I casually stated getting a quiet response from Damon who laughed lightly.

“You mind explaining what that means?” Damon’s face dropped as he lifted an eyebrow almost playfully.

“For instance, it’s like having a Ferrari, but a Lamborghini is always better” I smirked brushing past Damon who grabbed onto my wrist turning me around. At this point I was flirting and Damon knew it better than I did.

“But a Ferrari still drives nicely, if you catch my drift” Damon’s grin made me blush darkly, but I responded with nothing but a shrug and a small smirk.

“I never said I would mind driving a Ferrari, I just said it isn’t as good as a Lamborghini” At this point the last thing I imagined happened, Damon lightly blushed before a small smirk rose on his lips. Before Damon could say anything in reply we both walked into the living room to see Stefan and Elena.

“Only took you two forever to get here” Stefan joked standing up to give me a hug making me laugh.

“Your brother got hysterical when I said he wasn’t the best looking guy I’ve seen” I joked glancing at Damon who glared playfully at me causing Stefan to laugh lightly.

“So where are you two headed anyways?” Damon’s remark was smooth as he crossed his arms a smirk pulling onto his lips. Elena stood from the couch walking toward me but glancing toward Damon who was waiting for me to answer.

“You act concerned, and even thought I just met you, I didn’t think you had that capability”
Elena laughed looking at Damon who smiled forcefully.

“I’m seeing someone, why would I be concerned about you?” Even though I wanted to glare at Damon and his cold sarcastic ways, I simply laughed tugging my jacket closer to my chest. Stefan glared angrily toward Damon almost telling him his comment was unnecessary, but Damon stood their unremorseful a satisfied grin on his face.

“I didn’t think that someone like yourself could be concerned about anybody, I thought you needed a soul and a heart for that” Damon’s smile faded when he noticed my emotionless statement, and by this point Elena had caught my agitation and was leading toward the door pulling me beside her.

“Stefan, I’ll text you later tonight, but please make sure to call me” Elena glanced behind toward Stefan, but I kept walking forward pulling out my car keys from my jacket pocket quietly. I hated putting on this strong act, when I knew I wasn’t. I hated hurt, I hated pain, and I hated this frustration that Damon was some ass who would never look at me other than in a annoyed way, but that was Damon for you.

“Later Stefan” I called out quietly as we exited the house walking toward my car with nothing but the sound of our footsteps in the dirt. It was only when we were securely in the car that Elena spoke breaking the silence.

“Are you okay? I mean Damon can be pretty harsh, but that is just the way he is, don’t take it personal” I put the keys in the ignition looking toward Elena a smile and laugh being forced.

“Elena, since when does anyone hurt my feelings?” I lied covering up by laughing loudly pulling away from the dreadful house.

“Yea you’re right” Elena laughed lightly putting on her seatbelt, I clenched the steering wheel tightly in my hand before I turned on the radio letting the music playing through the speakers to soothe and relax me. But only one thought kept running through my mind, and that was Damon Salvatore hates me, is playing with me, and I hate him, know he’s playing with me, and it's making me like him more. Typical young single life.
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Hey guys! New chapter! And its longer so I hope you guys enjoy this very much! Thanks so much for reading and I hope to see some comments and subscribes if you like it enough. Comments would be very nice! They don't exactly need to be good things! I just want feedback of what you like and don't like about this story!!!! :DD Thanks Again! and ENJOY!