Status: Active

Love Bites

What The Hell Happened To Boring Mystic Falls?



I spent the day at the mall and movies with my cousin trying to keep my mind off of Damon and all that stupid crap that ends up revolving around him in some form. It’s official, guys are pain, and now I remember why I have always hated to date and flirt, eventually you will lose. It was at the Grill that I let out an exasperated sigh causing Elena to glance up from her burger and fries a curious look on her face.

“Ok you can’t lie to me Erin, has something been bothering you?” I kept quiet eyeing her carefully as I sipped my soda dryly.

“It’s not important” I mumbled slowly stirring my icy drink with a straw round and round trying not to look directly at Elena who would know what was bothering me.

“See, the thing is, I’m not going to leave you alone until you tell me what’s wrong” Elena stated simply a small smile creeping on her lips causing me to let out a laugh.

“Does Damon always act the way he does?” Elena looked almost shocked at my question as she raised an eyebrow pausing in thought. Then just like I expected her eyes widened and she shook her head no laughing lightly.

“Don’t tell me you actually-“ Elena paused again shaking her head from side to side disbelievingly.

“Erin look, Damon isn’t a bad guy, but he’s bad news, I mean I wouldn’t feel comfortable if you two were to…be together” My cousins rambling caused me to stop her in mid-sentence when I saw Damon walking into the Grill with some dark tall blonde.

“Speaking of the devil” I continued sipping my drink almost bitterly glaring toward the bar where Damon and the blonde bimbo took a seat.

“See that’s what I mean Erin, he’s not a bad guy, truly! But he’s just bad news and I don’t want you to get hurt” By this point Elena’s words had become nothing but a buzz in the air. My vision and focus had managed to drown out everything in the room to just Damon and the blonde girl.

“Elena, I’m sorry I just don’t feel comfortable here, do you mind if we just get this to go?” I stood up from the booth to glance up to see Damon staring right at me a small smile on his face as I grabbed my jacket roughly sliding it on. Elena began to get up but I already took a head start grabbing my car keys from my pocket walking toward the exit, but as I passed the bar a familiar voice stopped me dead in my tracks.

“Erin you should come have a drink and meet my date” I turned my body to look at Damon and a taken back Elena who stood quietly behind me.

“Damon is that really necessary?” Elena glared toward him grabbing my arm tugging me lightly. As I walked with Elena toward the exit it was the bimbo’s voice that stopped me dead in my tracks.

“Any girl that turns down a drink, obviously can’t drink” I laughed at this, and even Elena had to let out a small chuckle as I walked to the bar leaning in the middle of Damon and the blonde girl. I waved over the bartender setting down forty dollars ordering any shots he could hit me with, no matter the mixture of different liquors. Simply it looked like he grabbed random bottles pouring them in shot glasses laying out a total of 9 glasses in front of Damon, his date, and me.

“If a girl turns down a drink Hun, it’s not cause she doesn’t drink or can’t drink, it’s simply cause she can’t stand the asshole who is offering her the drink, or the stupid slut he is with"

I grabbed the first shot glass shooting it down my throat before I grabbed the second glass.

“I’ve dealt with girls like you and you’re little fruity drinks, because you can’t handle hard liquor, then when you do drink, you get all hammered and wasted and you get to spread your legs for asshole players like this awesome guy” I nudged Damon roughly and sarcastically as he watched me almost shocked as I took the second shot.

Lastly I grabbed the third shot and smiled a sarcastic sweet grin to both Damon and the girl.

“Eventually you will, he’ll screw you move on with life, and won’t ever ask for your number or even your name” I downed the last drink reaching over past the girl pushing another sarcastic smile.

“Finally all I gotta say is don’t mess with people you don’t stand a chance against, and don’t ever say I can’t drink because you are most definitely wrong…any who! Cheers!” I took one of her drinks and shot that one before I let out a small laugh glancing at Damon and forcing a smile.

“Unfortunately I’ll be seeing you later but thanks for the drink” I winked walking away toward Elena grabbing my car keys tight in my hand. Before I opened the door I heard Damon’s date yell at Damon for not doing anything, and next thing I knew she was rushing past me out to the street as I got into my Mustang with Elena in the passenger seat.

“Are you sure you should be driving?” Elena laughed but I could tell she was shocked at my reaction to the whole situation.

“Elena, I don’t get drunk” I felt a small buzz but that’s about it, my heavy weight ways always seems to save me in some form in my life.

“I can’t believe you did that” Elena glanced at me as I turned on the car driving off toward the house.

“Hey I barely take crap from family and friends, do you honestly think I’m going to let Damon’s trampy date insult me and laugh at me like that?”
Elena nodded and shrugged a smug smile appearing on her lips.

“Damon likes to screw with people, it’s his personality, I just don’t want you getting into trouble because of it. And just try not to mess with him too much. He’s not very good at controlling his temper” Elena buckled her seatbelt while I nodded heading toward the house. After several minutes we pulled up and I watched Elena get out of the car before I exited opening the driver’s door.

“Elena!” Elena looked back toward me as I rested leaning on the hood of the car.

“I think I’m going to check out the town and finish up my night” I smiled as Elena walked toward the car staring at me confusedly.

“Then why the hell did you drop me off?” I laughed locking the passenger door before she could get in. I pointed a finger at her and grinned.

“Because you baby cousin, have school tomorrow, and it is past your curfew” I smiled causing Elena to shake her head no and knock on the window as I got into the car. I rolled down the window a little to see Elena with an uncomfortable look on her face.

“Erin, I don’t feel comfortable with you going out by yourself at night, can’t you just call it a night now?” I turned on the car and shook my head no.

“Elena, you’ve known me for seventeen years, I’m not one to give up early” Elena shook her head before she took in a deep breath staring at me sternly.

“If at any point you don’t feel right, or just something happens, please, call me” I nodded my head but right before I pulled away Elena tapped the glass stopping me.

“Where are you going?” I huffed leaning toward the glass.

“The Grill, listen stop freaking out, I can take care of myself”

“Are you going to see Damon?” I paused looking at Elena before I nodded yes.

“Don’t leave his side”

“Elena! Okay okay!” I pulled away leaving her standing on the sidewalk watching my car leave almost painfully. The one thing I hate is having people care so much about where I am, what I am doing, or where I am going, I’m an adult, and I DON’T need my younger cousin giving me orders. My thoughts began to consume the car ride back to the Grill as I parked my car walking toward the bar to see Damon seated, and to my happiness he was alone.

“Thanks for scaring off my date” I pulled a seat out ordering a beer looking toward Damon smiling as he glared at me with his deep blue eyes.

“I don’t do assholes and you annoyed me” Damon’s lips turned into a smug sarcastic smile as he sipped the scotch in the glass.

“Then why did you come back?” He questioned bitterly causing me to smile widely.

“Curiosity I guess” I watched the bartender approach me handing me a bottle of beer.

“Curiosity killed the cat” Damon spoke smugly and darkly.

“Cats have nine lives” I argued back taking a sip from the bottle of beer.

“Why are you being such a smart ass” His voice grew almost entertained as he glanced at me a smile peaking on his lips his eyes almost widening with curiosity.

“Why are you asking so many questions?” I smirked at him causing him to frown and shoot the rest of his drink in agitation.

“See now you’re just annoying the living shit out of me” Damon’s voice grew angry before he ordered another drink glancing at me.

“Then I must be doing my job”

“You are the most frustrating person I have ever met, I’m surprised I haven’t killed you by now, it must be the fact you’re related to Elena” I heard his voice become dark as he raised his eyebrows smiling at me.

“I guess I can stop bugging you” I spoke sighing out under my breath.

“So what brings you to the exciting town of Mystic Falls?” I looked at Damon and his sarcastic question a small laugh escaping my lips.

“Since you’re changing the conversation and you sound so interested, family brings me here” I turned my head to look at Damon who nodded.

“So what, you’re close to Elena?” I shook my head yes and chuckled taking another drink from the cold beer bottle.

“We grew up together, kids would pick on me, and she’d stand up for me, soon after we were inseparable” I watched as Damon smiled slightly.

“Sounds like Elena”

“Yea my cousin is a pretty amazing person. I can only hope to be half of who she is” I stated honestly before I turned my body to face Damon.

“So why did you leave Mystic Falls?” Damon for the first time pulled his gaze away from the drink in his hand to stare at me as I shrugged and frowned running my fingers through my hair self-consciously from his gaze making him smirk slightly.

“I was probably fourteen, and I had to move because my dad got a job in Richmond, then next thing I know I got shipped out against my will” Damon nodded understandably before we both finished our drinks and stood up from the bar almost too quickly.

“I guess I could walk you out, since Elena won’t stop texting me” Damon shrugged causing me to groan and roll my eyes.

“Are you serious, she has been texting you? I swear she worries way too much” I opened the door stepping in front of Damon holding it for him.

“Something else that sounds just like Elena” Damon paused staring at me a small smile creeping onto his lips.

“Well, I can’t say it was a horrible night” Damon stated simply causing me to blush.

“Glad I could be of entertainment” I grabbed my car keys watching Damon as I walked away toward my car his gaze still on me before I stopped opening the car door.

“I guess I’ll catch you later” Damon nodded a small almost nonexistent smile on his face, but that all changed as his smile turned into a frown and he stopped.

“Erin get in the car and whatever you see don’t get out” I looked at Damon shockingly but took his order to heart and quickly slid in, but it was too late, a pair of hands grabbed me roughly by my jacket and almost seconds later I was pinned down to the door of my car pushing back on shoulders that felt were going to break me in half. Whoever grabbed me lifted me from the car and practically threw me across the parking lot.

“Erin!” I heard Damon yell, a yell that almost sounded worried. I sat up from the fall somewhat confused about what was going on. When I looked up I saw Damon fighting a guy, but what I didn’t understand was, how they were moving so fast. I watched them move quickly across the parking lot trying to grab a hold of each other, but when Damon grabbed onto the guy’s shirt, something I didn’t expect happened. The guy took a wooden broken stick from his pocket and stabbed Damon in his shoulder causing him to stumble back and fall to the ground. At this point I didn’t know whether to scream, call for help, or run. I stood up quickly in the process of thoughts, but next thing I know in the blink of an eye the person who was attacking us appeared in front of me. I didn’t understand what was going on, but next thing I know I was standing fighting back this person. I pulled back my arm making a fist and with all my might I threw a punch pushing this person off of me. Then I ran, I ran as fast as I could to the car where Damon was sitting on the sidewalk completely bleeding out, but my aspirations were quickly cut off when a pair of hands grabbed me slamming me into the hard concrete floor

“Who are you” The voice hissed, it was a man, and when he asked me this he pushed my body further into the pavement to the point I thought all the bones in my body would break.

“I don’t need to answer any of your questions” I stated menacingly when this man picked me up and threw me down to the floor again causing me to grunt.

“You fucked with the wrong person asshole!” Damon stood up from the sidewalk looking angrier than ever, in one second or less Damon appeared behind the guy pulling him off of me, but his grip was too strong.

“Get off of me!” I yelled angrily kicking a little, but this person held me down with what felt like all the strength in the world that not even Damon could break.

“What are you to Elena Gilbert” The voice yelled once again hitting me and pushing back on Damon.

“I’m her cousin! Get off of me!” I yelled when I felt no weight on me, but when I glanced up I saw Damon get thrown across the parking lot and before I could yell for him, I experienced the most painful feeling in my life. The feeling was that of sharp teeth digging themselves into the crevice of my shoulder and biting down and tearing away the skin. I screamed in agony as I got thrown back hitting the side of my car while I grabbed the side of my neck that was now covered in warm blood. Finally the person disappeared and Damon was by my side pushing heavily on the wound his eyes widened in shock.

“Listen you’re going to be okay” I looked to Damon whose expression went from concerned to angry.

“I should have stopped him I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” Those words were the last things I heard before I blacked out.
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Hey guys! New chapter!!! Things are going to start happening and unfolding, about time right!? Sorry about all the "fun" filler chapters, I'm not exactly a fan of them either! But anyways! THANKS FOR READING!!!! I HOPE YOU HAVE ENJOYED LOVE BITES ENOUGH TO COMMENT OR MAYBE EVEN SUBSCRIBE!!! :DDDD THANKS AGAIN!