Express It


"Hi! You know what to do and when to do it. Remember to wash your hands!"


Hey, it's me. Haha, I know, I know, it's been a while. But I miss you. Do you think we can meet up sometime, when you're free? We can just walk around town, and I'll treat you to coffee. Yeah? Let me know.


Hey, it's me again. You haven't gotten back to me yet, I thought maybe you accidentally deleted the message and forgot about it. Haha, I hope not. You're probably just busy at work or something, but when you get some time off drop me a line, yeah? I miss you.


You should know who it is by now, haha. You're really starting to worry me a little, you know? I miss you and I just wanna know what you're up to. Hope you aren't too tired from your job, have you been getting enough sleep? You're probably too sleepy to even check your voicemail. If you want some free java, my offer still stands, yeah? I hope you're doing okay.


Are you there? I came around your place and no one was answering, I figured you were out. I knocked several times and must have stood there for an hour, and I think you moved the spare key, I couldn't find it. Do you even go home these days anymore? There were some boxes outside like someone was moving in, or moving out, but that was impossible. Are you taking care of yourself? You just call me if you need anything, okay? You know I'm always here for you, always. Don't hesitate to come around in the middle of the night or ring me at work. I'll drop it and come running. I miss you, and I'll pretty much grab any opportunity to see you, haha.


Is something up? I called up your parents a while ago, turns out I still had their number, you know, just to check on you. You haven't been answering anything I left you, and if anyone knew why it's probably them. I told them about the messages, and how you haven't called, and that I miss you, and all they said was, 'oh, honey.' And then a bunch of stuff I didn't understand, you went on a trip or something? I think I zoned out, haha. Sorry! So, yeah, I didn't really get anything from that, so I went back to this. Come back soon, yeah?


The first time I called today all I heard was 'the number you dialed is not yet in service.' And I was like, that's impossible, right? It was probably some mistake, I thought, and I was right. I rang the phone company and asked them why they took away your number, and they said... oh I forgot what they said. It wasn't important. So maybe you just forgot to pay the bill, and you didn't get the notices, and that's why they disabled it. I paid it, though, and it's back! You see? Haha. You would have been very upset if you found out your phone didn't work anymore. You liked to talk to people all the time! So if it wasn't obvious, I miss you. Maybe you'll reply to me now, yeah? I hope you do. I really, really hope you do.


Hey, it's still me, and I still miss you. It's been a while. I know what's going on, you don't have to tell me. I probably knew it all along. It hurt, finally realizing it, so that's why I kept denying it. You know, maybe. Maybe. I tried not to call, but I couldn't help it. I didn't want to stop, even if you'll never answer. Because we were never meant for each other, yeah? That's all you wanted to say, but you couldn't because it was too hard. I get it. I'm trying to move on, though. I met someone today, and I told them all about you. They recognized your name, from the paper? You're famous, haha. And they said, 'my condolences.' I mean, who does that? It's not like you're gone. You just left. But some things don't change. Like your answering machine message! I can't believe it's still the same after all this time, really, you used to get a new one every week. Keep this, though. It has your laugh at the end, and I love listening to it. Now I think of your laugh everytime I wash my hands...
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Title taken from 'The Locker Answering Machine'. Inspired by this Postsecret.