Status: ALIVE

Skinny to the Scene

Chapter 5

It was 10, I was still laying awake laying with Shay, A secret romance. Isn’t that a girl’s dream? He said that he would tell them, when the time was right, what if it was never right. It felt wrong, but being with him felt so right. That’s where I will leave it, this was my wish, why am I going to challenge it? Laying closer to him, feeling his heat, I fall asleep.

Waking up up 4 hours later, to Shay’s beady eyes in my face.

“Good morning, moi poulet!”

“Mecri, Mister master of waking people up.” I glance over at the clock. 2 a.m., seriously.

“Your 6 hours of sleep is great comparied to my 4 hours.” I smirked.

“Don’t stay up partying all night!” He skriked. Rolling my eyes, I got up and stretched, turning on my zune dock and blasting Foo Fighters “Learn to Fly” “running and tell the angels everything is all right.” I sang running out of the living room, to my room to switch my clothes before Shay got here.

My plan didn’t go as well as I planned, as he ran in just as I threw my shirt to the fall, he sat there staring at me, I just stood there, in my heart lace bra and a pair of cotton boyshorts.

‘Hey, hows it going down there, are you happy to see me.” I giggled, he quickly looked down blushing.

“well, um, you are there practially naked, what is a guy suppose to do?” He said running in and pulling me on my bed, pressing his, “sword of power” against my body, and ramming his mouth against mine, our tongues found each other, and his tongue barbell touched my soft palt, He pulled away for a quick moment to throw off his shirt, and I flipped on top, grinding into him. Just as he was about to pull off my bra, I heard foot steps coming toward my room.

“Oh fuck.” I ran over shut and locked my door.

“Dita, what the fuck are you doing?” I heard my mom yell.

“I’m getting dressed mom, jesus.” I yelled.

“At 2:30 in the morning?” She questioned, ran over and covered Shay with all my blankets and stuffed animals and threw on pajama pants and a white cami. Walking to my door and opening it, and in falls my drunk mother.

“Merry Christmas.” I mumble, the day before Christmas, this is what I deal with.
She looks around and walks out. “I’m staying the night with my friend, bye.” And she is out the door, Shay quickly jumped out of the blankets.

“Damn, is that your mom, she is one freaky bitch.” He spurted out.

“Mood killer.” I laugh, looking over at shay.

“I can start it back up.” He walked over to me.

“Maybe later, lets go make cookies.” I giggled running to the kitchen.

“Well, can you at least take your shirt off again, that was a damn good sight.”

I rolled my eyes pulling out soy milk and a packet of sugar cookie mix, throwing it all together in a bowl.
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Sorry it is a short chapter, but I have been really sick the last week, I'm gonna try updating tomorrow, with a longer chapter.