Status: In Progress

You're Beautiful to Me


Dear Mom,
Yeah, I’m still calling you ‘mom.’ It would be kind of weird if I stopped. I couldn’t just call you Claire, you know? You and Dad did raise me. I’m not mad that you never told me. It was right of you to wait. You’re still my parents, even if it’s not blood.

We just got to New Jersey yesterday. I spent the day with Don and Donna—they’re great, I love them. I may call them Mom and Dad later on, but for right now its just too strange. Alicia and Lyn-Z and Bandit are wonderful, I met them back in California. I guess I came from and into a great family. Two, actually, because I’ll always be a Shier. If that’s alright with you.

We leave for Europe next week. The band and I actually came up with this great idea: we looked all over Europe for kids under 20 who want to be tech interns, and we’re taking a handful of them on the rest of the tour with us. It should be a blast, some of the kids seem really great. We don’t meet them until we get there next week but they seem stoked, too.

Oh, I’m healing up really well by the way. They took my cast off in Alberta! I’m still on crutches for another week because it’s tender and I’ve got a brace but other than that I’m fine. They took the stitches out of my forehead and ribs, too. DAMN am I glad I kept my bangs, I’m going to have this ugly-ass scar on my head forever now.

Well, that’s life now. I miss you guys. As cool as this whole “new family” thing is, Barrington will always be home. I hope you guys can fly out to Europe or Asia sometime. (You always used to tell me about wanting to go to Italy.) Tell Dad hi for me. Hope everything’s okay at the hospital after… you know, that night.

I love you, Mom. Always will.

Forever your daughter,

♠ ♠ ♠
Now, this is going to be updated for a while. I have some other writing projects to work on. So in the meantime, check out the Characters tab, there are some new friends under there ;D
Thanks to all you guys for reading, love you.