Derek Morgan and I


I went back to watching TV. Derek arrived not long after the FBI show finished. He seemed tired.
“So did you get her a present” I asked
“If that’s what you would call it” Derek said
“Why what did you get her?” I asked
“An egg timer” Derek said
“You’re kidding” I said
“No” Derek said
“I’m going to save your butt again” I said
“Why what did you do?” Derek asked
“I brought your mom a laptop with webcam now she can talk to you during the year” I said
“Serious” Derek said
“Hay I know you well enough to know that you would get something stupid” I said
“I knew there was a reason for loving you” Derek smiled pulling me into his arms
“What can I say I think ahead” I smiled putting my arms around his neck
“What would I do with out you?” Derek smiled
“You’d lose your head” he kissed me
We stood kissing for a little while before Derek picked me up and carried me to the couch.
“I have something I want to ask you” Derek said
“What would that be?” I asked
“I know your going to argue your point but I want you to move in with me” Derek said
“Derek you know I can’t leave Spence by him self” I said
“Look he lived by himself before he found you and he can live by himself when your with me” Derek said
“I suppose” I said
“So you’ll move in with me” Derek said
“Yeah” I smiled
“Great” Derek smiled
He kissed me again. I leaned on Derek’s chest and closed my eyes. I felt Derek reach for the remote and opened my eyes to see him flicking channels. He stopped on some medical show. By the time we had finished watching TV it was time for dinner. Derek decided he would go get take out. Not long after Derek left his sister Sarah showed up.
“Hay Sarah” I said
“Hay Mia” Sarah said
“Fran’s out and Derek’s gone to get dinner” I said
“Okay well I wanted to see you actually” Sarah said
“Okay” I said
“I’ll pick you up tomorrow and we’ll bake the cake around at my house then we can bring it back here” Sarah said
“Okay cool um also I have a question” I said
“Okay shoot” Sarah said
“What are your family’s religious views?” I asked
“We’re not a very highly religious family” Sarah said “Why?”
“Well I’m pregnant” I said “And I thought that if you were highly religious you might get angry”
“Never so does Derek know” Sarah asked
“No I’m going to tell him tomorrow” I said
“Okay” Sarah said
“I thought that might be a good surprise for Derek and Fran” I said
“You know you can call her mama” Sarah smiled
“I know” I said
“I can’t believe it I get to be an aunt” Sarah smiled “Well anyway I have to get home and get dinner” Sarah said
“Okay see you tomorrow” I smiled
“Congratulations girl” Sarah hugged me
“Thanks” I returned the hug
Sarah left and as it should happen Derek walked in.
“What’s with Sarah?” Derek asked
“What do you mean?” I asked
“She is smiling like a mad man” Derek said
“We were just making plans for tomorrow” I said
“Okay if you say so” Derek said
Derek and I ate dinner before heading for bed. As we laid in bed I rolled over and leaned my head on Derek’s chest.
“So what are the things you wanted to tell me” I asked
“I part own the youth centre” Derek said
“Okay” I said confused
“Its how I came to own it you need to know about” Derek said
“I’m listening” I said
“That youth centre saved me life after my father died I got in with the wrong people I got a record” Derek said “It was for aggravated assault”
“You have a criminal record” I said
“I use too I beat up Rodney cracked his head open” Derek said “After getting the record the former owner of the youth centre took me under his wing his name was Carl Buford”
“Sounds like a nice guy” I said
“The community thought so too” Derek said “One day after football practice at the centre me and some boys where tossing a ball when it went into a vacant lot across from the centre I went in after it I found the ball and the body of a 15 year old boy”
“He was my age and dead the only other person I had seen dead was my dad when I was 10” Derek said “He was never identified so I start a collection and got enough to bury him even gave him a little head stone”
“What did you put on the head stone” I asked
“The date at first and left space if they ever found out who he was but now it says The Lost Children You are all loved and missed” Derek said “Anyway after that a local Detective Gordinski started after me for everything”
“So anyway I began making a life based at the youth centre Buford started being like a father to me he would take me to the lake fishing or into the woods camping” Derek said “He’s a big part of why I’m here today I was his star player but it all came at a price he started doing things to me but I was too scared to tell anyone I left it too late”
Derek began to cry. I moved pulling Derek close to me. He laid his head on my chest and sobbed. I’ve never seen him so venerable I thought he was like a rock, tough skinned. I think I finally figured out what drew him to me. We both went through trauma and we both came out the other side. We found each other and now we had to support each other. My trauma maybe a thing of a past but he was still going through his everyday. All the people he caught all the bodies he had to see. I had to be there for him be someone he could tell. I know he thinks I’m fragile and I am but after what I’ve been through I don’t think there is much that I can’t handle. Derek fell asleep I moved his head back on to his pillow before climbing out of the bed. I walked into the kitchen when Fran walked back into the house.
“Where’s Derek?” She asked
“Asleep” I said “He told me”
“Told you what?” Fran asked
“He told me about Carl” I said
“He was Derek’s mentor and to destroy his trust like that” Fran shook her head
“I’m going to call Aaron” I said
“Okay dear” Fran said
I grabbed my phone and walked out of the apartment. I found my way to the roof and dialled Aaron’s number.
“Hello” Aaron said
“Hay it’s me” I said
“Hay” Aaron said
“Spence told me JJ left” I said
“Yeah she got a job offer somewhere else” Aaron said
“Is her spot open” I asked
“Yes” Aaron said
“I want it” I said
“You don’t have the qualifications” Aaron said
“Do you really think I have been sitting around doing nothing” I said “I’m working on becoming a profiler and I already have the qualifications to be a liaison”
“You really are Reid’s sister” Aaron chuckled
“So can I have the job” I asked
“I’ll call the Unit director and get back to you” Aaron said
“Well hurry roof tops are cold” I said
“What are you doing on the roof?” Aaron asked
“Clearing my mind” I said
“Right bye” Aaron said
“Bye” too late

I stood with my arms wrapped around me for awhile looking out at the lights. The cool night air tugged at my hair and nipped at my toes. I was lost in the moment. Reality came back when my phone rang.
“You better have a good reason for calling” I said
“I talked to the director” Aaron said
“That was quick” I said
“She’s willing to give you an opportunity” Aaron said
“Really that’s great” I said
“Just think when you finish that profiler course you can liaison and profile” Aaron said
“Thanks Aaron” I said
“Your welcome now gets off the roof” Aaron said
“Yes boss” I said
I hung up and walked back to the apartment. Fran was sitting up waiting for me. I really wanted to go straight to bed. I said good night to Fran and went to bed. Thankfully Derek was still asleep. The next morning I was up before Derek again. I showered, got dressed and went for coffee. I walked out into the kitchen where Fran was poring coffee for herself. She poured me some and we began to talk.
“You’re up and ready early” Fran said
“Yeah Sarah and I are going somewhere this morning she told me she would be here around 10:30” I said
“Well it’s only 8” Fran said
“So I got an hour and a half to burn” I said
“Pretty much” Fran said
“You know when I first saw you it was a shock to see that you were white” I said
“Most people are shocked to learn I have 3 black babies” Fran said
“I don’t care about colour but I was somewhat expecting to see a fat old black lady” I said
“Most of Derek’s girlfriends do” Fran smiled
“How many girlfriends has Derek had?” I asked
“Well 12 that I’ve meet” Fran said “You’ve managed to stay the longest”
“Oh” I whispered
“Don’t worry dear your different from the others” Fran said
“How so” I asked
“Well you’re the only one his talked about more then once” Fran said “You’ve changed him”
“I know” I smiled
“With all his other girlfriends they dumped him because he was caught cheating” Fran said
“Well he hasn’t cheated on me” I said “I make Hotch make sure he shares a room with Spence”
“Good you better keep him on a leash” Fran said
“Don’t worry I will” I smiled
“Mama what lies you filling her brain with now” Derek entered the room
“Oh we were just talking about all your other girlfriends” I said
“Ma” Derek whined
“Does the girl not deserve the truth” Fran said
“Well I suppose” Derek said
“Good because I like to dig Mr and if I dig up your file and find that you have lied about anything I’ll personally maim you” I said
“Your not FBI there is no way you can get my file” Derek smirked
“Oh by the way Aaron said to say that they have found someone to replace JJ” I said
“Really wow” Derek asked I just smirked at him “Oh hell no”
“Oh hell yes” I said
“I quit” Derek said
“I thought you loved me” I pouted
“I thought I didn’t have to spend everyday with you” Derek said
“It’s not official Aaron got me in on a trial and if things go well I could be the new team liaison and a profiler” I said
“You haven’t done any courses” Derek said
“What the hell do you think I have been doing sitting at home on my butt” I said
“Yes” Derek said
“Well sorry to tell you but I’ve been studying privately “I said
“Who’s teaching you?” Derek asked
“You work with him” I said
“Reid” Derek said
“No” I said “His been in the BAU for 30 years”
“Rossi” Derek said
“Yep” I said “His been giving me private lessons and I’ve been going to the Academy to do all the tests and hand in the assignments”
“Why did no one tell me” Derek asked
“Because I was hoping to join the team as a profiler not take over for JJ” I said
“So you wanted it to be a surprise” Derek said
“Yes” I said
“Hay people” Sarah said
“You’re early” I said
“Yeah I know are you ready” Sarah said
“Yeah” I said
“What are you two doing?” Derek asked
“Hanging don’t worry we’ll be back in time for mama’s birthday dinner” Sarah said
“You better be” Fran said

Sarah and I left the apartment and headed for Sarah’s. On the way I smiled to my self and rested my hand on my stomach. I knew that even if Derek moved on then I had plenty of help to look after the baby. When we got to Sarah’s I dropped my hand I knew Desiree would be there and if she was I didn’t want her to know about the baby until I told Derek. That’s when it hit me the only people who knew about the baby where Sarah and I.
♠ ♠ ♠
So here is the next chapter would have been up earlier but I was fishing. Seeley ask me at school. I HAVE 10 LITTLE FISHIES. Yay me...