Both Sides of the Story


I heard banging and I turned down my radio and then I heard my two best friends outside screaming telling me to get up or something along those lines. It was four o'clock and if I remember right Caleb starts at the local cafe somewhere close to town. Austin and him know where it's at but this is Fort Worth we're talking about and I haven't lived here my whole life. I ran downstairs and swung open my door and they ran inside. I walked into the living room and saw Austin jumping on my couch.

"Boy, you want to die a young age?" I asked. He stopped and just stood there.

"Dude, means get your feet off the couch." Caleb said pulling his leg and making him fall. I rolled my eyes. I walked over to the other seat and sat down. I pretty much let the guys take over my house when my parents are gone for vacation. I glanced around and notice Austin texting and Caleb staring straight at the tv. I shook my head.

"I'm hungry." Austin blurted out.

"You know where the food is." I said without even thinking of getting up. Austin huffed then walked into the kitchen and I heard banging around.

"Whatever mess you make you will clean up, Austin." I shouted. I heard some words that I couldn't make out.

"I better eat before I had to work." Caleb said standing up and walking into the kitchen. I just sat there off in my world, thinking about different kinds of stuff when I heard a phone go off. I saw Austin's phone sitting on the side table.

"Yo, Austin. You're phone going off." I shouted.

"Answer it. I've got my hands full." He said. I looked at the doorway and saw him walking in with a half eaten sandwich hanging out of his mouth, a can of soda in one hand, and a bag of skittles in the other. I looked at the caller ID and it read Jonathan. I pressed the green button and pressed the phone to my ear.

"Hello." I answered.

"Uhh is Austin there?" He asked.

"He's in a difficult position right now." I said.

"Bad timing or something?" He asked.

"No, just feeding his face." I laughed.

"Right, well just have him call Jonathan or Kyle back." He said.

"Alright, will do." I said.

"Later." He said.

"Bye." I said then I hung up.

"Who was it?" Austin asked.

"Some Jonathan guy?" I said. He spit his food out and grabbed his phone.

"Jess, why didn't you tell me it was Jonathan?" He asked.

"Didn't think you would care? What's so big about this Jonathan guy?" I asked. Austin just shook his head and walked back into the kitchen while Caleb walked into the living room, eating a sandwich.

"Do you know who Jonathan is?" I asked. Caleb looked at me and grinned. I took a drink of my dr. pepper.

"Jonathan Cook, he's was former from a band called The Flipside and Good Day, Joesph or something like that?" Caleb said. My soda went all over the place as he said the Flipside. Jonathan Cook, I saw his band perform a few times.

"You know him?" Caleb asked.

"Ehh, I saw them perform a couple of times." I said. Austin came back into the room, smiling. Caleb looked at the clock and sighed.

"Looks like you've got a job to attend. buddy ol' pal." Austin said. We all stood up and I walked them both to the door then Caleb hugged me bye and I told him good luck.

"Be back later." Austin said then ran out after Caleb. I have weird friends but damn, I talked to Jonathan Cook without really knowing.