Both Sides of the Story


“I hate school.” I mumbled as I plopped down at my study hall table. Amanda laughed from next to me as she pulled out her math book. “It’s only fifth hour and I’ve already had two quizzes. That’s not cool.”

“Don’t we have a math test later?” she asked, pulling out a worksheet.

“Fuck.” I mumbled, digging through my backpack and pulling out the three page math review. “Did you finish yours?” I asked, looking at her with pleading eyes.

She pushed her blonde hair from her eyes and sighed. “You can’t copy it.”

“No no no no no no no no… Amanda,” I stated, holding up my finger and loosely shaking it at her. “Uh-manda. If you were my friend. You’d let me just look at a few questions so I don’t fail the class.”

“You’re not gonna fail,“ she said but pulled out her review. I thanked her and set to work.

“How was work last night? Sorry I never came in, my brother had hockey practice.”

“No it’s fine. I had to train someone.” I laughed, thinking back to when Caleb spilt the coffee all over the counter, and down the front of his jeans.

“Oh, that sucks.” she responded, not fully paying attention due to the math in front of her.

“No, he’s cute.” I replied with a laugh. “and he made work…interesting.”

She laughed and looked up at me. “Care you explain?”

I grinned and put my pencil down, “Well, for the life of him, he could not figure out how to work the register. That was an experience. And then he spilt coffee down the front of his pants. And he’s cute. Like, real cute and awkward and shy.”

Amanda let out a soft chuckle as she looked at me, “What about our pact for no boyfriends til we graduate? We gotta get good grades so we can get those scholarships.”

“Oh, I’m not looking for a boyfriend.” I answered her, shaking my head. “But a little fun with him won’t hurt, now will it?”

Her mouth dropped open as she looked at me and shook her head. “You’re…unbelievable.” she muttered before returning to her work. I just shrugged and started to slowly fill out my math problems.


“You work tonight don’t you?” Amanda asked as we stopped at her locker.

“Don’t remind me.” I said with a yawn. “All I want to do is crawl in my bed at this point. That math text just about kicked my ass.”

She rolled her eyes, “you always say that, yet, you always get a better score than me. Want me to stop by?”

“Please.” I said, letting my messenger bag drop to the floor. “I might go insane, ‘specially if Caleb’s not there. I won’t have anything to oogle!”

Amanda sighed and slammed her locker shut. “I think you should forget about him and focus on your American Studies. Aren’t you betting a D in that?”

I shrugged again and shouldered my bag, “I need something to else un-stress me.” I replied while following her down the hallway. “It’s not going to hurt.”

“Need a ride to work?” was her response as we exited the school building. I pulled my sunglasses out and nodded my head. “Okay, I have to stop at home first and let the dog out.”

“You should just pick me up in like fifteen minutes, I have to get ready and stuff.” I said, trying to wipe the sleep out of my eyes. She nodded her head and we parted ways. I made my way down the hill to my house and sighed before running to let the dogs back in. I ran up to my room and quickly pulled my hair into a pony tail and slipped out of my good clothes for school and into a dark blue top and a pair of skinny jeans.

I heard Amanda beep from outside my window as I fixed my make up and slipped on my vans before quickly leaving my room. “Bye Dad.” I said to his sleeping figure and patting my dog on the head. I grabbed my name tag and hopped out of the house and into Amanda’s red car.

“Okay, so if Caleb’s there I get to tell you if it’s okay or not for you to be doing this with him. He better be really hot for this to happen.” she said as she turned down the radio and took off to my work.

“Trust me honey, he is mighty fine.” I laughed, scratching my neck and looking out the window. “I wouldn’t jeopardize college for some guy who’s not hot.”

Amanda’s only response was a light laugh as she sped down to the local coffee shop. The car ride was completely silent, not even the radio was turned on. Which was weird, but I decided not to question it, knowing that I had probably annoyed her. When she had the car parked I thanked her and expected her to leave, but instead she followed me into my work.

“Can I get free coffee today?” she asked, holding the door open for me.

“Of course.” I smiled, going behind the counter and slipping my apron on. I fastened my white name tag to the dark green material and smiled at Amanda before quickly getting her a cup of coffee.

Then I clocked in and smiled towards Stephen who smiled back and walked over to me. “Ready to train some more?” he asked.

I faked a groan and nodded “I guess.”

He chuckled. “Caleb should be here in ten minutes or so.”

I tried to hide the smile that crept onto my cheeks but he noticed and shot me a smirk. I quickly shook my head “Nuh uh. No Stephen. I made a no boys pact with Amanda for this year so we can stay focused on school, I am not going to date him.”

“Whatever you say Carla, whatever you say.” he smirked evilly before slowly walking into his office.

“See, even your boss sees it!” Amanda said with a laugh.

I rolled my eyes “Whatever Manda, but when you see him you’ll drool too.”

She just shook her head, her blonde hair flinging everywhere and finished her coffee. “More please.”

I sighed and grabbed her cup, “You’re lucky my boss likes you. You drink like thirty dollars worth of coffee every time you’re here. For free.”

Amanda grinned, “I am lucky. That’s thirty more dollars for me.” I laughed and looked towards the door as the bell rang from above it.

Caleb walked in, followed by two people. One was another guy with shoulder length brown hair and a green headband. He was wearing some blue jeans and a red and black stripped shirt. A girl was following close behind them, and I felt a pang of jealously, hoping that she wasn’t with Caleb.

“Hey Carla.” he smiled, walking back to clock in.

“Hi.” I smiled back, looking towards the people he came with.

“I’m Austin!” the guy exclaimed, thrusting his hand forward for me to shake. I laughed a little before placing my hand into his smaller one.

“I’m Carla.” I softly said, trying to ignore Amanda’s laughter at the situation.

“Oh, I know that.” he smiled, “Caleb told us.” he grinned.

“How…nice.” I said, a hint of confusion in my voice. Caleb was talking about me?

“This is Jess!” he said, pointing to the girl that was standing next to him. She stood to just above his shoulder with dark brown hair that hung a bit into her eyes.

“Hello Jess.” I smiled at her, she just gave me a look and shifted her weight to her other foot.

“Oh come on Jess, say hi.” Caleb’s voice sounded from beside me. I jumped a little and then hit him playfully in the shoulder. “Awe, did I scare you?” he asked, a smirk playing at his lips.

“No.” I scoffed, crossing my arms and looking at Amanda who just shook her head.

“I think I’m gonna leave.” she said, draining the rest of her cup and standing up. “I have homework to do.”

“So you leave me here all alone. Some friend you are.” I over dramatically said.

“You’re not alone, I’m here!” Caleb exclaimed, throwing his arm around my shoulder.

“See?” Amanda said, raising her eyebrow. “It’s all you’ve been-”

“Bye Manda.” I interrupted, giving her a sharp look. “Have fun with your homework. Do your American Studies so I can copy it.”

She rolled her eyes, yelled ‘no’ over her shoulder and skipped out of the café.

Caleb’s arm still hung around my shoulder as he asked Jess and Austin what they would like. Jess, who still hasn’t said hi to me, ordered quietly. Caleb looked down at me expectedly.

“You still don’t know how to work this thing?” I asked with a sigh. He just grinned at me, his brown eyes had a small sparkle to them. “What would you like?” I questioned her, lightly pushing Caleb’s arm off of me and going to the register.

She quietly repeated her order and I punched it into the register, doing the same with Austin’s order and watching over Caleb as he slowly made their drinks.

“Geeze, take any longer and they’ll be cold!” Austin exclaimed, taking the warm cup from his friend and sipping it. “ouch.” he mumbled, sticking his tongue out and waving cool air onto it. I giggled a little. “it not fun ay.” he said, with his tongue still sticking out of his mouth.

Caleb just chuckled and shook his head while I went to work organizing the sugars and creamers. Before long, Caleb’s friends left, promising to be back to pick him up later. He hoped up on the counter and smiled at me.

“So Carla, what are you doing on Saturday?” he asked, taking a creamer from me, popping it open and drinking it.

“Gross.” I said, keeping the rest out of his reach and shaking my head. “And I’m studying with Amanda for our SATs.”

He frowned, “All day long?”

I shook my head “No, I baby-sit at six.”

“Oh fun.” he said with a frown.

“Why do you ask?” I questioned, pouring myself a coffee and joining him on the counter.

“Just wondering if you’d like to come see my band play.” he responded, reaching around me for another creamer and drinking it.

“That’s gross, get a coffee.” I laughed, taking a small drink of mine. “And I’ll have to take a rain check on that. I’d love to come see your band play, but I work Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and then I baby-sit Wednesdays and Saturdays.”

“Well, just for you, I’ll have to get us a gig on a Friday.” he smiled, “I actually just joined the band, and was hoping you’d be my good luck charm.” he smirked, wrapping his arm around my waist.

“Looks, like you’ll have to play your first show without any luck. Just don’t suck too much.” I grinned, hoping off the counter as a customer came in.
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Hope you like the update! More soon!