
Chapter 9

Ami had butterflies that tickled her insides for the rest of the day. Every single time her mind would float off into space and think of Ritsuka, the butterflies would burst into action and cause this massive smile to erupt on her face. She had no control of it what-so-ever, but she really liked the way it made her feel. She loved the way it made her feel hopeful and optimistic, but at the same time, she didn’t like this feeling… Because if she felt this way about Ritsuka then…how did she truly feel about Mitsukuni?
Mitsukuni… Her face climbed up 10 degrees as hot flashes of her dream last night reminded her why she woke up panting and covered in sweat. Ami gasped as she banged on her head, desperately trying to knock the dream out of there. All they did in her dream was kiss! A foreign kiss, non-the-less… French, to be precise, but that doesn’t matter! It was just a dream, even if it felt so real to her…
Ami pushed the thoughts from her head and began banging a little harder.
“Whoa there with the head thrashing! Pre-cal can’t be that bad.” A familiar chuckle teased. Ami’s eyes flashed open to meet Ritsuka who had placed his lips gently on her forehead. Ami gasped a little too loudly in surprise and felt the kiss form into a pleased smile. “Come on, Ami. School’s over!” Ritsuka informed in a balmy voice as he took her hand and led her out of the school into the drizzle. The storm had ceased its booming thunder and stuck to its placid rain shower allowing Ami and Ritsuka a breath of relief. They stepped out into the rain sharing Ritsuka’s umbrella.
As soon as they started walking, Ritsuka clasped Ami’s hand in his own with such self confidence that made Ami blush and even admire him. Wasn’t she the one that held his hand with such self confidence before? Now she didn’t have the courage to try.
Ritsuka noticed the look she was giving him and asked “What?” with a questioning smile.
Ami shook her blushing gaze and turned away. Ritsuka simply chuckled lightly then didn’t seem to have a second thought about it.
Ami couldn’t stand the way her heart felt torn anymore. It made her feel like one of those whores on teen dramas she hated. She never understood how someone’s heart could be ripped into two pieces until now. Her heart sunk into her guts when she realized that she could actually relate to those bimbos on television.
“Hey, really. What’s wrong?” Ritsuka asked again as he gently shook her palm.
“Nothing!” Ami sang out her lie with a sweet smile to cover it up, hoping he’d buy it.
Ritsuka gave her a skeptical look, obviously seeing through her act, before sighing and turning away. “Look, if you don’t want to do this I understand.” He stated as he began loosening up the grip he had on her hand. The butterflies in her stomach turned to ice.
“NO!!” Ami hollered uncontrollably as she squeezed his hand in hers. Then she let go quickly and stepped out of the umbrella in shock. Ritsuka’s eyes widened at her sudden outburst, just as surprised as she was.
Suddenly, Ritsuka’s surprise turned into a delicate smile as he stepped towards her and let the umbrella fall to the ground. His eyes lightened up at her sudden flash of color as he took both of her hands in his. Ami’s heart pounded faster in her chest as his smirking breath tickled her lips.
Ritsuka didn’t want anything more but to kiss her. He hardly even cared about the rain that was soaking him yet again. Her hot breath smelled sweet against his lips and he wanted more and more. Then, with gentle passion, he took her lips into his as their fingers intertwined at their sides.

“Thanks for walking me home.” Ami stated sheepishly as they stood on her doorstep.
“No problem. Sorry for getting you all wet…” Ritsuka apologized, looking at both of their wet bodies.
Ami then gave him a mischievous smile before she shook her hair like a dog, making fresh droplets cling on to the already soaked boy.
Ritsuka tried to suppress a smile, but it was too hard on his part. “Nice hair!” he took revenge by messing up her bangs and laughed as she desperately tried to push his hand away. “So?” he asked, feeling his face get a little warmer.
“So?” Ami mimicked. They’ve never felt this awkward around each other before. They’ve always been best friends when they were young, maybe that’s why it didn’t feel awkward. Because they were too young.
“Wanna go on a picnic with me tomorrow on the beach of the weather clears up?” Ritsuka asked.
Ami gasped in her mind. Was he asking her on a date? They’ve been to the beach together once before, but it feels different now that they’re… Well, you know. “Yeah! Of course I would!” Ami agreed, vigorously nodding her head.
“Really? Great!” he smiled, relieved. Then he leaned in and gave her another sweet kiss on her forehead creating this shockwave run through her body, from her head to her toes causing her smile to erupt again. Then he turned and, walking backwards, waved good bye, almost tripping on the way.
Ami giggled as she waved back, blush lightly tinting her cheeks. She then went inside and leaned against her door. All the happy feelings she just had seconds ago were gone. She felt terrible because she knew that she would’ve gone to the beach tomorrow to see Mitsukuni rain or shine, with or without Ritsuka…
♠ ♠ ♠
la la la la la :)