Status: Two-shot. Contest entry. Complete. Won First Place!

And It's You I Can't Deny


Cameron Jones boredly flipped another page in his book, his head resting on his hand and his feet tapping impatiently. Normally his days at his grandma’s animal shelter were filled with excitement and plenty to do, but today his co-worker Ryan was taking care of everything out back and his grandma was doing house calls to check safety requirements, so he was left alone to man the front desk. Yes, he worked for his grandma instead of going to college, but there wasn’t really anything else Cameron could do apart from look after animals. Besides, he was only 20, and there was plenty of time to figure out if he wanted a career in something different.

And it was days like today when he wished he did more with his life. But oh well. Flicking his jet black fringe out of his bright blue eyes, Cameron yawned and scratched the back of his neck. How he wished something interesting would happen!

“Uh, hello? Anyone here?”

Cameron jumped out of his thoughts at the sound of a stranger’s voice, and got off his stool. Finally, something to do!

“Hi there, how can I help?” Cameron asked cheerfully, walking over to the person.

But who he saw when he got closer made him freeze. No freaking way. Martin fucking Johnson? He’d heard that the rock star lived in the area, but he didn’t believe that the rumours were true. Especially not from Ryan, because Ryan never got gossip right. Martin smiled nervously down at the boy once he realised he’d been recognised. He just hoped the boy wouldn’t go crazy fan on him.

“I was driving home when I saw a dog tied to a fence in the middle of nowhere. I think he’d been abandoned? Anyway, I untied him and put him in my car and drove here. My friend mentioned this shelter once, so I figured this was the best option,” Martin explained.

Cameron smiled at the thought of a stranger helping an abandoned animal. It was becoming far to much of a common occurrence for people to dump their pets, and it was far too rare for anyone else to help the animals out.

“Well that was mighty nice of you! Do you want to bring the dog in?” Cameron said with a bright smile.

Martin relaxed a little and nodded, before leaving the shelter. Cameron squeaked and tried to tidy his hair, his fingers subconsciously running over the two studs on each side of his nose as well as his septum ring to check they were all in place. Even if the hot musician wasn’t attracted to men, Cameron might as well look decent! Not long after Martin had left, he returned holding a leash with a young pug dog attached to the end. Cameron almost forget about Martin’s presence at the sight of how frightened the animal looked, and he crouched down in front of the dog to calm him.

“Hey there boy! Wow you’re beautiful, aren’t you! Why would anyone throw you out?” Cameron murmured to the animal, slowly extending his hand towards him.

The puppy looked at Cameron’s hand nervously before sniffing and licking it. Cameron grinned and unclipped the leash from its collar, picking the animal up in his arms. Huh, the owner’s contact information wasn’t anywhere to be seen. And there was no microchip under the animal’s skin at all. How could anyone leave a defenceless dog like this?!

“So is he okay?” Martin asked curiously

“How do you know it’s a male dog?” Cameron asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Well, I, uh...”

“Chill, I’m just teasing. He’s got no injuries, he’s just a little scared. I’ll put him in a stall for the night before the vet checks him over tomorrow, but other than that he should be all set for rehoming straight away!” Cameron said happily.

Cameron’s happiness faded to confusion as Martin just stared at him. What? Was there something on his face? Was he freaked out by how Cameron talked to the dog? What?!

“Uh, why are you staring at me?” Cameron asked nervously.

Martin blushed slightly and cleared his throat, making Cameron giggle. Martin had actually been checking out the young boy, something which Cameron wasn’t meant to see. He just couldn’t help himself – Cameron was just so mouth-wateringly gorgeous! That dark hair, those piercing blue eyes, the shy yet warm smile and the cutest face Martin had seen in a long time. But he probably wasn’t even interested in boys, let alone Martin. So Martin should probably make up an excuse.

“I’ve never seen anyone react with animals like you do,” Martin eventually answered.

“Well I’ve been brought up in this shelter by my grandma and I work here full time, so it’s all I’ve ever known really. Sorry if it’s weird,” Cameron blushed.

“It’s quite refreshing actually. Not many attractive boys care about anything other than themselves,” Martin said simply.

Cameron blushed even deeper at the compliment. Did Martin Johnson really just say he was attractive?!

Martin groaned inwardly. Did he really just let slip that he thought Cameron was attractive?!

“I, uh, should probably start on the paperwork. Thanks for dropping the dog in. Not many people would’ve bothered,” Cameron said with a small smile.

“It’s a good thing I’m not like many people then, huh?” Martin grinned.

Cameron smiled a little wider and turned around, starting to walk towards the desk with the puppy in his arms. Martin felt an unfamiliar flare of panic rise inside of him, prompting to say something. Anything. There was something about this young boy that intrigued him.

“Mind if I stay and help? I don’t have anything else to do today and I feel responsible for the dog. And it’s not like I meet boys as cute as you every day either,” Martin asked, feeling like an idiot for speaking his mind but not being able to stop himself.

Cameron squealed internally and had to fight himself not to jump up and down. He couldn’t believe that Martin wanted to spend time with him, but there was no way in hell that he was going to turn this opportunity down. Especially not with Martin flirting like he was.

“Sure, you can stay,” Cameron nodded shyly.


Over the next two weeks, Cameron had never felt happier. Martin visited the shelter every day, using the excuse to see the pug puppy (which the two of them had named Gunner), when in fact all Martin really wanted to do was see Cameron. His sweet innocence was so addictive, and Martin felt himself falling for the young boy, even though he knew it was a stupid idea. All Cameron knew was that he was the luckiest boy alive. Especially when Martin had kissed him goodnight a few days ago. In fact, Martin had been kissing him a lot since that day, and Cameron wasn’t complaining in the slightest. Not one bit.

Like this late afternoon, when Cameron and Ryan had finished up feeding all the animals, Martin came straight in and kissed Cameron. Cameron had instantly blushed deeply, leaving Ryan to roll his eyes and walk out the back to start bathing the animals.

“How’s Gunner doing?” Martin asked, wrapping his arms around Cameron’s waist.

Cameron bit his bottom lip and rested his hands on Martin’s chest, looking up at the gorgeous man shyly.

“He’s doing great. There hasn’t been any interest in him yet, but I know there will be. He’s too sweet for someone not to love,” Cameron said confidently.

“Just like you then,” Martin smirked.

Cameron blushed and leant up to press his lips against Martin’s...when his cellphone started ringing. Cameron laughed and rested his forehead against Martin’s briefly before pulling out of his arms and reaching for the ringing phone from the desk. It was his grandma.

“I’d better take this. I won’t be long,” Cameron apologised.

“Take your time,” Martin said, nodding.

Cameron quickly pecked Martin’s lips and left the room, leaving Martin smiling. The things Cameron made Martin feel were unbelievable.

“Stay away from him,”

Martin turned around with a frown to see a tall tattooed boy with shoulder length black hair glaring in his direction. This must be the co-worker that Martin never sees that Cameron always talks about.

“Uh, excuse me?” Martin asked, confused.

“I said, stay away from him. I know what you’re like, Martin, and I won’t let you lead him along only to hurt him,” the boy said.

This confused Martin even more – how did this boy know who he is?

“Who are you?” Martin scoffed.

The boy sneered at Martin, shaking his head in disbelief.

“Of course you don’t remember me. I’m John’s cousin...John your bandmate? And I dated Paul a year ago. Yeah, your other bandmate. You probably don’t remember me because whenever I was visiting my cousin or with Paul you were messing with someone new. Fuck, I knew you were bad, but this is a new low,” the boy said coldly.

Martin stood in silent shock as he thought over the boy’s words. How was it that Martin couldn’t remember him when he clearly knew so much about Martin? Did John even have a cousin?! Fuck, he really should know these types of things. Then it clicked. He knew he recognised the condescending tone from somewhere.

“You’re that whiny little Ryan kid who used to fuck Paul so hard he could barely walk, aren’t you?!” Martin gasped.

“Well done, you’ve remembered my name – but is that really all you’re focussing on? You’re a jerk to guys and I won’t let you do the same to Cameron,” Ryan said angrily.

“Unfortunately for you, Cameron will do whatever he wants,” Martin said simply.

“You’re leaving for a three month tour soon, Johnson. Don’t act like I’m stupid. You’re stringing Cam along and building his hopes up these two weeks for fun like you always do, only to bring them crashing down when you don’t remember who he is after you get back. Like I said, I know you,” Ryan shot back.

Before Martin could defend himself, Cameron came back into view.

“Sorry about that. My grandma was calling to say she’s on the way back from checking the last house of the day but that she’s in a traffic jam. RyRy, will you be okay starting to close up by yourself? I can stay if you want,” Cameron said, although the slight pout on his lips indicated he really wanted to leave with Martin.

Ryan glared at the older boy, arms folded across his chest.

“Sure, you can go. You might as well enjoy the time you have left before Martin leaves town,” Ryan said calmly, although his eyes were dark and accusing.

Cameron inhaled sharply before looking up at Martin, confusion in his eyes.

“What’s going on?” Cameron asked quietly.

Martin sighed and ran his hand over his messy hair. Of course the angry teenager would ruin the time he had left with Cameron. This was not how he had planned things.

“Let’s go outside and talk,” Martin eventually said.

Cameron glanced worriedly at Ryan, who sighed. This was exactly why Ryan hadn’t wanted Cameron getting involved with Martin – Cameron was only ever going to get hurt.

“I’ll be right here if you need me,” Ryan said softly, knowing as much as he hated how Martin was going to crush his friend’s heart that Cameron needed to get over the impulsive musician.

Cameron bit his bottom lip but nodded, and followed Martin out of the building. Cameron couldn’t help but smile shyly when Martin linked their hands together, but as soon as Martin came to a stop in front of a bench his stomach filled with nervous butterflies. What was going on? Cameron didn’t understand Ryan’s hostility towards Martin, but he knew it must be for a reason – Ryan doesn’t dislike anyone without a cause.

“I guess I should explain, huh?” Martin sighed, looking into the baby blue eyes of the younger boy as they both sat down.

“That would be nice,” Cameron mumbled, looking down into his lap.

Martin frowned and used his free hand to cup Cameron’s face and tilt it up so their eyes were linked once more. All Martin could see in the cerulean orbs was fear and pain, and he hated the fact that he’d caused that. Without thinking, Martin leant forward and captured Cameron’s pink lips with his own, moving his lips in a sweet kiss that made his heart ache. Ryan was right – Cameron deserved much more than the screw-up he was.

But that didn’t mean he wanted to let Cameron go.

Martin snapped out of his thoughts when Cameron pushed his chest, breaking the embrace sharply.

“Stop it Martin! I don’t want this distraction – I want you to tell me what the fuck is going on!” Cameron demanded, his eyes shining with tears.

Martin felt his heart ache even more at the distress in Cameron’s eyes, and cursed himself for feeling this way at all. He wasn’t meant to feel this way. He couldn’t stop himself feeling this way

“Ryan’s right. I’m leaving in three days,” Martin said quietly, not looking at the young boy.

Cameron gasped, tears filling his eyes even more. He didn’t understand what he’d done wrong – why was Martin leaving? Was it something he’d said? Was it something he’d done? Why didn’t Martin want him any more?

“W-Why?” Cameron managed to choke.

Martin sighed at the way Cameron spoke, hating himself even more.

“I’m going on tour for three months,” Martin mumbled.

“Have you only just found out about it? Did you not know?” Cameron asked desperately.

But Cameron whimpered as Martin shook his head. Now he was really confused – why hadn’t Martin said anything?! Martin wouldn’t use him like that, would he? Would he?

“I’ve known for ages. I wasn’t meant to fall for you, Cam. You were just meant to be some fun before I left,” Martin explained slowly, despising every word as it left his lips but knew they had to be said.

“Oh God. Oh God Oh God Oh God,” Cameron whimpered, wrenching his hand out of Martin’s as he stood up.

How could he be so stupid? He could he have actually thought that a rock star would’ve really liked him? So, so stupid. Martin stood up too, his hands grabbing Cameron’s shoulders to calm him down, but Cameron just cried out and pushed Martin away again.

“Don’t touch me! You’ve already messed me around enough, I don’t want you near me anymore!” Cameron shrieked.

Martin gritted his teeth and grabbed Cameron’s shoulders once more, this time holding to tightly for Cameron to escape. The young boy tried to break free but it was no use – Martin was far stronger than him. As he gave up he collapsed into Martin’s chest, letting Martin wrap his arms tightly around him as Cameron cried into his t-shirt. Martin waited until Cameron had calmed down to start talking to him again.

“Cam, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen, I really didn’t. I didn’t want to fall for you but I did, and in less than two weeks. I fell for you hard,” Martin said softly, pressing a kiss to the top of Cameron’s head.

“Then why weren’t you going to tell me about your tour? Were you just going to leave without saying goodbye?” Cameron sniffed, lifting his head slightly.

“I don’t know what I was going to do. I hadn’t thought anything through, but I do know this – I’m coming home in three months, and I’m coming to see you. I’m going to come back to you, Cameron, and that’s a promise,” Martin said firmly.

But Cameron shook his head and dried his tears, making Martin frown. What was wrong now?

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep. You’re a famous musician – you’re going to have people throwing themselves at you, and I’m not worth you holding yourself back. You’re going to forget all about me,” Cameron said with a sad smile.

“You are worth waiting for, so don’t you dare believe anything else. I won’t forget you because I l-like you. I don’t want anyone but you,” Martin insisted.

Cameron bit his bottom lip and rested his hands on Martin’s chest, tracing gentle patterns with his fingertips. Could he trust Martin? Would Martin really remember him when he came back from tour? Cameron couldn’t be sure about anything, and that’s what scared him.

“I like you too, Martin, but unless you remember me when you get home I’m not going to get my hopes up,” Cameron said quietly.

That wasn’t exactly the response Martin had wanted, but he was going to take it all the same. As much as he hadn’t planned on falling for the blue-eyed beauty, he would be damned if he let Cameron slip through his fingers now. Then his mind skipped to something that he knew would make Cameron trust that he would come back to him. Cameron would have to believe him now.

“Here, I want you to have this. I don’t go anywhere without these, so you’d better look after them well for me,” Martin told him.

Cameron was confused until Martin lifted a set of dog tags on a chain from around his neck. Surely Martin wasn’t serious!


“Ssh, I want you to wear them until I come back. They’re my granddaddy’s war tags, and they’re one of the most important possessions I own. This way you know I won’t forget you, because the absence of them around my neck will remind me of the absence of you from my side,” Martin interrupted, brushing Cameron’s fringe from his eyes.

Cameron blushed lightly as Martin slipped the chain over his neck and tucked the tags under his t-shirt, hiding the necklace from view. It was like his own little secret.

“I-I won’t lose them, I promise,” Cameron whispered, eyes wide and lips in a wide grin.

“Good, because I’d have to kill you if you did,” Martin chuckled, pulling Cameron back towards him by his hands on the skinny boy’s hips.

Cameron blushed even more but slid his arms around Martin’s neck, pulling them even closer together. This was something he could get used to, being pressed up against Martin Johnson. This was something he really wanted to get used to, but would he have the chance? Would Martin really keep his promise? When Martin smiled down at Cameron, all negative thoughts were brushed aside as if they didn’t matter. All that mattered was Martin.

“So do you want to start the last three days in my bedroom or end them there?” Martin murmured against Cameron’s lips, a slight seductive edge on his words.

Tingles ran through Cameron’s veins as Martin dug his fingers gentle into the small of his back, but he took a deep breath and lifted his head confidently.

“You’ll just have to wait and see, won’t you?” Cameron whispered.

All Martin could do was grin.
♠ ♠ ♠

So will Martin keep his promise?
Or will Cameron just have his heart crushed?
Find out in part 2!

Comments are very welcome ;)