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I'll Always Remember You


“Mom.” My daughter said. “You can’t just decide to walk out! Do you know how many of his ‘beliebers’ or crazy obsessive fans just saw that!? They will be chasing him and you can get hurt! And-and just don’t go Mom.”

“I have to. The kid just said my name on national television saying he misses us. And you have no idea how much I miss the boy, and plus those fans know me. I was like the talk of beliebers when we split. I was kinda hated but I had my fans.”

“Yeah. Okay mom.” She snorted before going to the kitchen to prepare our meal. Every Friday night we have our little girls night, I wished I had these nights with my mom when I had the chance.



Or in other words a place were I sit and think about how badly I screwed up years ago with Claire. I really did love her. I wanted to marry her.

So in other words, Home, was just another way to say Forever Alone.

Normally I sit on my black leather reclining chair and think about all the good times and how I should used new ideas to get her back. But today, I was being daring, I laid out on the couch and thought about the good old days and looked at some old photo albums of us when we were an item.

“I miss you,
I miss your smile.
And I still shed a tear everyone once in a while.
Even though its different now,
Your still here somehow.
My heart won’t let you go,
But I need you to know……….
I miss you.” I sang to myself as tears exited my eyes and spilled into puddles on the current book of memories I was flipping though.

“Hey Claire.” I whispered into her ear as we lay on my bed on the back of our tour bus for the My World Tour sponsored by x-box 360.

“Hey Justin.” She murmured back.

“I wanna tell you something. Its been on my nerves all day.” I said flipping over to face her. Okay so I am about to ask my BEST FRIEND to date me. I don’t think this will end well. Not one bit. Well its worth a shot.


“Can you- do you- will you- umm. Want to be my girlfriend. You know you’re my favorite girl, and if you say yes, you will be one less lonely girl but you better not kiss and tell because then we will not be a common denominator, but if you do wanna fix some things up since we’re bigger than we will stuck in the-” I blurted out before I was cut off my a pair of lips being crashed into mine like crashing waves on the shore. Not like I mined being cut off at all.

“Yes.” She smiled as she pulled away.

“Maybe I should talk and babble on like that more.” I laughed in a whispered tone.

“Please don’t. I may have to break up with you.” She smirked.

“But then we wouldn’t be stuck in the moment so then I would be all that should be me on you and you’d be like oh yeah well you should said love me and I could have been like-”

“Justin. Relax.”

“okay shawty. Shawty lets go-go-go. Shawty lets roll-ro-roll. Shawty-”

“Justin Drew Bieber.” Claire warned before I slammed my mouth shut and lightly pecked her lips.

“Justin! Justin!” A voice called before I was violently awoken by my mom. Yeah I was so lucky that my mom was still alive and able to take care of me. I know it sounds wrong but I am a needy kid. Well old man. Well adult. You can’t blame me.

“Hey mom.” I said rubbing my eyes. “What time is it.”

“Time for you to get up and go to the doctor.” She said collecting all the books I left open on the floor and couch. I was hoping she would say nothing. Just leave the books alone mom. Just clean them up and don’t ask any questions but of course I know my mom she will say something. I feel it coming.

“Justin, do you really love her that much?” She asked sitting next to me.

I tried the best that I could to fight back the tears but I guess they found a whole in my system and they fell out. I simply nodded before resting my head on her shoulder. “I messed up mom. I really love her.”

“Then get her back. Get up off your ass and find her.” She said pushing me up.

“Its not that simple!” I moaned and fell back down on the couch. “She threw a like her whole room at me. You know how bad that hurts my heart just to think about it?!”

“Stop making excuses and go!” She said shoving me off the couch one last time. This time I stayed standing on my feet and made my way out the door.


“Here is a throw-back for y’all. Justin Bieber One Time is now playing on z100!” The radio DJ said.

“Me plus you. Ima tell ya one time.” Justin sang in hid old little high pitched voice.

“AGH! GOSH! POOP!” I screamed slamming the radio off. “I cant believe that kid.” I mumbled to myself as I regained focus on the road. Using the buttons on the wheel I switched the station. “Now playing, Justin Bieber- Love Me.”

“Oh my god. You have to be kidding me! Do you want me to kill the freakin car!” I screamed as I once again slammed on the radio system of my car.

Maybe I should listen to the radio. Yupp good plan. Mhmm, I wonder what Justin will say.

This will be our first time speaking since the fit were I emptied my room off the balcony and on to him.

Maybe he didn’t deserve it but the kid cheated on me once he told me he loved me! How can I believe a kid that does that to me!

To be honest, I wanted to marry him. And I know this sounds wrong but to get back, I ended up marrying his best friend Chaz Somers so I am Claire Veronica Somers. I guess I kinda love him but I still have that place in my heart that says I belong with Justin Drew Bieber.

The one love of my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry its been a while
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