Status: New :)

More Than Alive

chapter three.

Shay guided me out of the hospital room after the mini party was over.

“Why are in such a rush cutie?” I asked as she pushed me out of the room.

“You’re a manwhore?” She said with a smirk.

“Don’t hate the player!” I said lightly popping the imaginary collar to my hoodie.

“Well, I’m hatin’.” Shay replied as she continuously pushed me to the front entrance of the hospital.

“I think you should come to the show tonight.” I told her as I stood in front of the exit with a wink.

“I think not.” She said simply, then she stormed away.

I bet you anything she was swinging her hips on purpose. Her tiny frame moved from side to side as her vans gracefully slid across the floor with each step she took. Her long wavy gorgeous dirty blonde locks swayed from side to side in the same rhythm that her hips did. Her shorts were short, and her crop-top showed her tan skin and flat stomach. Her look was intoxicating. I wanted her, and I was not going to stop until I could rightfully call her mine.

I walked out of the hospital with a smirk on my face, and held that very smirk all the way to the bus. I was planning in my head. I had millions of scenarios planned and a way for her to fall into my lovable trap with each one. But one of my plans is just genius and it will work.

* *

I took a deep breath as I looked into the mirror. I completed a few dance moves quickly and nodded. I was ready to perform now. I’m not this nervous but what if Shay shows up? This show needs to be fucking flawless. I’m a perfectionist so my definition of flawless is a little different then most people. I think for this show to be flawless that means a whole list of things. This includes, no crazed fans jumping on stage, no missed beats, no voice cracking in a high note, no dancers falling, no messing up, it just has to be perfect.

I don’t want to sound like a cliche or anything but I think I am in love with her. This whole meeting has led me to believe in love at first sight.

“Come on Bieber, you’re on in five.” Ryan Good said punching my arm as he walked by to grab a bottle of water out of my dressing room fridge.

“How do I look?” I asked him. He is my stylist so it isn’t that awkward of a question to ask.

“The same as you do every night.” Ryan said as he took a sip of his cold water.

“But this night is different.” I snapped back in hope of a different reply than what he had already answered.

“You’re right kiddo. We are in a different city.” He replied.

I sighed before replying, third time is a charm eh? “I mean tonight is different.”

“Ooh! Gotcha kiddo. My little man as got a girl coming for him. I am a great swag coach.” Ryan said as my cheeks slightly blushed to a rosy color. “Awe, look at the Biebs blushing over a girl!”

“Shut up Ryan!” I yelled while launching myself forwards towards Ryan.

“Hey no screaming Justin!” Mama Jan yelled. Oh mama, she is my vocal coach. She is like my second mom, but a lot stricter. Not going to lie I am kind of afraid of her at times.

I didn’t reply to her demand. I figured that the question was rhetorical and she would scold me if I did reply with a louder voice than a whisper because I would “damage my vocal cords.”

* *

“GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE! I LOVE YOU!” I yelled into the crowd of screaming and some crying fans before running off stage to head out to the tour bus.

After showering and changing into a pair of superman pajama pants and a white tee shirt I turned on my macbook pro and logged on to twitter, facebook, and Ustream.

The main reason for doing all of this was to see if I could talk to Shay, I know she was out there tonight even if she wasn’t visible I know she was there. Just, Ryan and Chaz can’t know about all of this girl stalking or else they would never let me live it down. I quickly looked outside of my bunk for Ryan and Chaz, they were playing “Call of Duty”. Perfect.

I sent out a quick tweet saying:

Hey guys! Thanks for all the love and support! I’m going to go on live on ustream in a few seconds! Link is on my

Then I went live on Ustream. I stalked the chats for Shay’s username. It is Skatergirl8383. However, this quiet stalking didn’t last long. I assume Chaz and Ryan heard me talking to the computer by myself.

Before I could turn around to yell at them a pie shell filled with whipped cream was shoved into my face. I sat in shock for a few moments to process everything before getting up to get back at the two knuckleheads. I just had a little problem, how can I prank them back. The prankster can’t be pranked.

Then the perfect idea came to me. It also gave me the greatest excuse to go see Shay and Danielle in the hospital tomorrow. Thank the lord we were spending the night in this city.

I am just going to have to play it cool for the night, act as if I have nothing up my sleeve for them tomorrow.

This is going to be good.

Fuck that, this is going to be great.

After cleaning off two circles for my eyes and licking the cream off my the area around my mouth I fooled around with my fans for a few more minutes, still wishing that Shay would sign on.

To be honest, I feel like a lost puppy without her or a crack addict without his or her’s crack.

I will tell you now, that feeling sucks. Not the crack part but missing or loving someone so much but they don’t feel the same way, how badly that hurts.
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