You Will Always Own My Heart

Chapter One

Life is pretty random. You never know exactly what to expect or when to expect it. That's just the way it is. Even if you planned something all out before hand, something different will always happen. It will never go according to plan perfectly. And even though it sucks sometimes, you just gotta deal with it. Cause that's just life.

So that's why I wasn't entirely surprised when mom announced that we were moving to Las Vegas, Nevada. I mean yeah, I wasn't expecting it or anything. But considering the fact that we move around a lot, I kinda figured it would happen eventually, even though mom promised we were gonna stay in New York until I graduated high school. But nope. New York will no longer be my home. Well it was only my home for about 7 months but still.

And so here I am. Standing in the middle of a rather large living room of our new house. It's probably the nicest house we've lived in so far.

"So what do you think?" mom asks.

I shrug. "It's nice."

She nods. "Kylie, I know I've promised you over and over again before. But I'm positive that this is where we will stay."

"Okay. So which room is mine?" I ask, quickly changing the subject.

"The movers put all your stuff in one of the rooms upstairs. If you don't like the room, we can always switch."

"It doesn't matter to me." I admit.

I take my time walking up the stairs and walks straight into one of the rooms, not knowing if it's mine or not. Once I see that none of my stuff is in it, I close the door and go to the one across from it.

I open the door and find my stuff. It's a pretty big room, with a walk in closet and a built in bathroom. My queen sized bed has already been pushed against the wall and my dresser and desk are already been put together. Now all I have to do is unpack all the boxes. I sigh and plop down on my bed.

I'm just laying there, enjoying the peace and quiet when I hear loud music coming from next door. I groan and sit up to look out my window. The music doesn't sound like it's coming from the radio. It sounds like it's actually being played. But all I can see out my window is another window with the lights turned off.

Curious, I walk down stairs and head out the door.

"Where are you going Kylie?" Mom ask just as I open the door.

"I'm just gonna walk around," I tell her.

She nods and tells me to be careful before I step outside. I walk down my driveway and start to head towards the house next door. The music is much louder now and it's coming from the garage.

I decide that I'm just going to casually walk past the garage while on the sidewalk, as if I was just going for a walk around the neighborhood.

As I'm walking past, I quickly sneak a peak towards the open garage. There's 3 guys in the garage. The music has stopped and they're just goofing off now.

I look away and decide to go back home.

"Hey," I hear someone call out as I turn around.

I stop and turn around. One of the guys is walking towards me with a big grin on his face. He's really attractive to say the least. His big brown eyes show a hint of amusement and his big lips are pulled over his shiny white teeth. All in all, he's really hot.

"Um. Hi," I manage to say after a second of just staring at him.

He smiles wider. "I'm Brendon." He says, extending a hand.

I take it in mine and we shake. "Kylie."

"Kylie. That's a pretty name." he compliments.

"Thanks," I say shyly.

"I haven't seen you around. Are you new?" he asks.

I nod. "Yeah my mom and I just moved in next door."

He smiles. "So you're my new neighbor. Awesome."

I smile. I look over towards the garage where the rest of the guys are and notice that they are staring at us. One of the guys is shaking his head and staring at us. And the other guy just has a bored expression plastered on his face.

Brendon looks over my shoulder to see what I'm looking at and rolls his eyes.

"Guys quit staring," he shouts at them.

He turns back around and smiles at me. "You wanna come meet the guys?" He asks.

I'm about to answer when I hear my mom call my name from the front door.

"Um. Maybe some other time." I say.

He nods and smiles. "Alright. I'll be around."

I nod and walk back to my house.

"Who was that," Mom asks curiously once I walk in.

I shrug. "Just some guy next door." I say casually.

For the rest of the day, mom and I unpacked and by 9 p.m. we were sprawled out on the couch, exhausted by a long day of work.

"So you start school Monday," she says suddenly.

"Great." I say sarcastically.

I sigh and get up from the couch. "I'm gonna go to bed."

Mom raises her eyebrows. "But it's only 9:30."

I stretch my arms out above my head and yawn. "I know. But I'm pretty tired."

"Okay. Good night."


I lazily make my way up the stairs and flop down on my bed once I get to my room. I groan once I realize that I need to change out of the clothes I've worn all day. I get up and change quickly and then brush my teeth and all that other jazz. When I get back to my room, I notice that the light is on in the window across from mine. I can hear loud music coming from the room and I groan as I pull the covers over my body.

The noise only bothers me for so long before I fall asleep.
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so yeah. I'm new to mibba. I also posted this same story to a site called quizilla. anyways. enjoy.