You Will Always Own My Heart

Chapter Ten.

"Wow, you look great Kylie," Brendon smiles as I open the door. I smile and thank him, glad that I'm not under or over dressed. He's wearing a jeans and a nice shirt with some nicer sneakers than he usually wears.

"You ready?" He asks, giving me his arm. I nod and take it.

"So how are we getting there?" I ask him.

He points to the driveway where a small four door car is parked. I look at him and raise my eyebrows and he just smiles.

"I finally got a car," He says.

I laugh and he opens the door for me like a gentleman, and then quickly makes his way around the other side and gets in the drivers seat. He starts the car and soon we're heading down the road.

"So. Where are we going?" I ask, really hoping that he won't say it's a surprise or something.

He shakes his head. "It's a surprise."

I groan. Well, I tried. He chuckles and I sigh.

20 minutes later, we arrive at a small ma and pa italian restaurant. Brendon opens the door for me again and takes my hand in his as we walk up to front door.

We we get in, there's an older looking man at the counter arguing with a younger looking man. When he spots us he smiles.

"Brendon," he says loudly.

"Hey Sam," Brendon laughs.

The guy, Sam, looks at me and then looks at Brendon and smiles.

"Is this her?" Sam asks.

Brendon nods. "Yes."

Sam claps his hands and leads us to a table in the back. They're are other people here as well as other couples or people on dates. The lighting is dim and their are small lit candles on all the tables.

Sam gives us our menus after we sit down and then leaves us alone.

Brendon looks over at me and smiles. I smile back.

"So um. What's good here?" I ask.

"Everything really. But my personal favorite is the ravioli."

I nod. I do like ravioli.

"Okay. I'll just get what you get."

He smiles. "You're smart."

I laugh. We order shortly after that and our food gets there less than 10 minutes later. We sit and talk the whole time. Never running out of things to talk about.

"That was amazing," I tell Brendon as I take the last bite of my cheese cake.

He chuckles. "I told you."

Sam comes over to see how we are doing.

"It was great Sam." I tell him.

He smiles brightly. "I'm glad you liked it. Brendon doesn't come here enough anymore."

I look at Brendon and raise my eyebrows. "I worked here for a few months." He explains.

I nod and he starts to pull out his wallet but Sam stops him.

"It's on the house," he says.

Brendon shakes his head. "It's okay man. I'm on a date. I kind of have to pay."

Sam sighs and nods his head. "You're right. And a beautiful date she is."

I laugh and Brendon agrees with Sam, causing me to blush lightly.

We leave shortly after that and get in Brendon's car.

When he doesn't take the right turn home, I raise my eyebrows.

"The night's not over," he explains.

I smile and I take my hand in his and squeeze it. He smiles and squeezes back.

"Oo! Mini golf," I say excitedly as Brendon pulls into a putt putt place. He looks at me and smiles. We get out of the car and he takes my hand in his as we walk up to the ticket booth.

"2 please," He tells the lady at the booth, who sighs and gives us her tickets. Huh. Must be having a bad night or something.

We get our golf clubs and start on the first course, which is really easy.

"Now, I must warn you. I am a pro at putt putt," Brendon tells me as we both get a hole in one.

"That's cool. But you should know that I am too," I say, whispering into his ear. He smiles and we walk over to the next course.

We're both on the last course and so far Brendon's down by 2 points.

"No fair. You're supposed to let me win. This is a real pain in my ego," Brendon whines as I make the ball in the whole.

"And you're supposed to let me win so I'll think you're a gentleman," I point out.

He smirks and walks up to the ball.

"Hmm. If I make this or not will determine who will win. Care to make a bet?" He asks.

I raise my eyebrows. "Sure."

He smiles. "Okay. If I make it, you have to be my girlfriend."

I smirk. "Hmm. And if you don't, you have to sing twinkle twinkle little star in front of everybody at lunch on monday."

He smirks. "Okay. Here I go."

I smile and he takes the club in his hand and swings it, hitting the ball in the process. All he has to do is make the ball into the hole to win.

"Damn!" He pouts when the ball rolls past the whole.

I laugh and walk up to him so that we're face to face.

"Awh. What a bummer," I say.

He nods. "It is."

I smile and bite my lip. "Let's just pretend that the ball did go in though."

He looks at me and smiles brightly. He stares into my green eyes with his dark brown ones, and cups my face with his hand and brings me closer to him with his other arm.

And with his arm around my waist and my arms around his neck, he closes the gap in between us with a small, yet perfect kiss that I will never forget.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay so i know it may seem to soon for them to be a couple and all, but i couldn't help myself. I wanted them to be together for real and now they are. So yeah. I hope you guys are happy about that like I am. :)