You Will Always Own My Heart

Chapter Thirteen.

"How bout this one?" Bailey asks me, holding up a frilly pink dress.

I make a gagging noise and shake my head. "I don't do pink. Or frills."

She laughs and sighs. "Geez Kylie. You sure are picky."

I shrug. "I know. Can't help it though. All these dresses just look so... tacky."

She pouts. "Is my dress tacky?"

I shake my head. "Not at all. I'm actually kinda jealous of your dress. But you look great in it." I say honestly, causing her to smile widely.

"Thanks Ky."

"No prob B."

I've never been dress shopping before but I really wasn't expecting it to take this long. Bailey found her dress two days ago, and I have yet to find mine. And the dance is this weekend.

This is the last store we're gonna stop at today and I still haven't found anything. I'm looking through the racks of dresses when I find the one.

It's red, with a silky fabric material. It's strapless and when I try it on, it comes just a little above my knees.

"Holy eff Kylie. You look amazing," Kylie tells me as I come out of the dressing room.

"Really? Cause red seems a little bit too much, don't you think?"

She shakes her head. "Hell no. It's perfect."

I smile and can't help but agree. I pay for the dress and we finally get into her car, which she just got, and head home.

"Brendon's gonna die when he sees you in your smokin hot dress," Kylie says as she pulls into my drive way.

I laugh and we say goodnight.

"Mom, I'm home." I say as I walk in the front door.

She comes out of the kitchen with a huge smile on her face.

"Did you find a dress?" She asks.

I nod and hand her the bag that holds my dress. She opens it up and her eyes widen when she sees it.

"It's gorgeous honey."

"Thanks mom."

I walk up the stairs and start to get ready for bed. Tomorrows friday and the dance is this saturday. I'm really excited about it to tell you the truth. Especially since I get to go with someone I actually like. I've only been to 2 dances and I went with a few of my friends the first time and I went with a date the second time, but it ended in a disaster. I even told myself I wouldn't go to anymore dances, but I guess I'm just gonna have to break that rule for now.

I'm just about to crawl into my bed when my cell phone vibrates.

I check the caller id: Brenny Boo (he put that in, not me.)

"Hello," I say into the phone.

"Hey there beautiful. Whatcha doin?" Brendon asks.

"Umm. About to go to bed actually," I laugh.

"But it's only midnight."

"Yeah. And I'm tired."

He sighs into the phone. "Alright, well I just called to let you know that my parents want to meet you tomorrow night.. over dinner... Is that okay?"

"Yeah. That sounds fun."

"Great. Well I'll see you tomorrow Ky,"

"Kay. Night Bren."

I hang up and flop down on my bed. So I'm finally gonna get to meet Brendon's parents. I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing. I mean I've been wanting to, but Brendon doesn't seem to like them very much.

Hopefully they like me....
♠ ♠ ♠
This one's kinda short..