You Will Always Own My Heart

Chapter Fourteen.

The next morning, I'm hyped up on coffee. I don't know why I decided to drink it today, I usually don't drink coffee at all. Well, it might have something to do with the fact that I'm meeting Brendon's parents tonight. I mean I know we've only been going out for a little over a month now. But still. I really really like him.

"You okay?" Brendon asks me as we stop in front of my first period class.

I nod. "Yeah. I'm fine."

He raises his eyebrows questionably. I kiss him on the lips and smile.

"I'm fine. Now get to class before you're late," I tell him.

He sighs. "Oookay. I'll see you after class."

He gives me one last kiss before hurrying off to his class. I walk into mine and find my seat next to Ryan. He looks at me and smiles. I smile back.

The teacher walks in shortly afterwards and begins his boring lecture and I end up doodling in my spiral instead. When I doodle, I doodle the most random things. I don't even know what some of the things I draw are. I've just drawn something that looks like some sort of alien dinosaur bird thingy.

Ryan looks over at my drawing and raises his eyebrows. I shrug and he chuckles under his breath. I stick my tongue out at him and he rolls his eyes.

I end up drawing a few other things before the bell rings. I grab my stuff and walk out the classroom with Ryan.

"You are one hell of an artist, Kylie," Ryan teases.

"Maybe I could be the next Picasso or something." I joke.

He laughs and says goodbye so that he can go meet Bailey. They are so cute together. I can tell they really like each other. I wonder if Brendon and I look as cute as they do.

I smile when I see him walking down the hallway. He comes up to me and hugs me.

"Thank God it's friday. Only 6 more classes to go," he says.

I laugh and he pulls away and grabs my hand. I've noticed that he likes to hold my hand. And kiss me and just touch me in anyway he can. Not that I mind, in fact I kind of like it. It makes me feel important somehow. I don't know if that makes any sense but yeah. That's how I feel for some reason.

We get to class and sit down. When we get there the teacher isn't there yet, which isn't unusual or anything since he's always late.

Brendon and I are sitting down talking when Brad comes up to my desk.

"Hey babe," He says.

I look at him in disbelief. Is this guy for real? I mean, it's been over a month and he still can't take the hint that I'm not interested. He obviously has rejection problems or something.

I look at Brad and then at Brendon, who looks beyond pissed. Which is saying a lot since Brendon is always happy and never sad.

"Um hi," I say before I turn back to continue my conversation with Brendon.

"So how bout you come over tonight?" Brad asks.

I look at him and frown. "Not gonna happen." I tell him flatly. God, can't he see that I'm talking to my boyfriend? For crying out loud.

"Awh, c'mon babe. Don't be like that. I'm much better than this loser," Brad says, gesturing towards Brendon.

Brendon gets up out of his chair and gets right up in Brad's face.

"She's not interested," he says. Oh no. This is not gonna end well.

Brad looks Brendon straight in the eye. They're about the same height, but Brad's bulkier and Brendon's more lean figured.

"Brendon don't," I say, hoping to ease the tension.

Brad snorts. "Yeah Brendon. Listen to your girlfriend. But trust me, she won't be yours for long."

Brendon tenses up after Brad says this and by now the whole class is staring at them. Brad seems to be enjoying the attention.

The door opens and Mr. Burns comes in shortly after. Oh thank God.

He looks at Brendon and Brad and tells them to sit down. They have a stare off thingy for a second but then they sit down.

I look at Brendon, but he's staring straight ahead at the wall.

And for the rest of the period, he does just that.
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