You Will Always Own My Heart

Chapter Fifteen.

After class Brendon was back to his normal self. I'm glad he is but I know that the little argument with Brad set him off. I don't know why it did. Well, I take that back, Brad did say he was gonna "have me" or something, which is just ridiculous. I in no way like Brad. He's a douche.

I only like Brendon. Guys have even asked for my number at random places whenever I'm not with Brendon. And no matter how cute they are, I turn them down. And the most obvious reason I do that is because Brendon is my boyfriend. But even if he wasn't, I'd probably still find myself comparing other guys to him, and he would win every time.

Corny, I know.

"I'll see you at lunch," Brendon says as we stop in front of my 3rd period class.

I nod and he kisses me, a little bit longer this time and more passionately. He pulls away and smiles. I smile back and he walks away to his class.

By lunch time, I find Bailey and we walk to the cafeteria together.

"Gah. Ky, I can't believe we've both had a boyfriend for over 2 months now." Bailey squeals, causing me to laugh.

Yeah, it's been about 2 months since Brendon Urie asked me to be his girlfriend. And in those 2 months, I've been incredibly happy with him.

"Yeah. I know. But I'm kinda nervous about meeting his parents tonight," I say, biting my lip.

She looks at me and raises her eyebrows, "Why? They're gonna love you. Everyone does."

I laugh and sigh. "Thanks Bailey. But I don't know. It's just that, he was reluctant to let me meet them in the first place. And the other day, he invited me to dinner with them out of the blue."

"Maybe he just doesn't get along with them. Either way, don't stress so much Ky. Just show them the Kylie Rivers Brendon and we all know, and they're sure to love you."

I hug her and thank her for her help.

"Hey babe," I say as Bailey and I sit down at the table.

Brendon smiles and pulls me into his lap.

"This can't be comfortable for you," I laugh.

He shakes his head. "I don't mind. I like you here."

I raise my eyebrows and smirk. "Do you now?"

He grins and nods his head like a little kid causing me to laugh.

"Silly boy," I say, pinching his cheeks.

He rolls his eyes and kisses me.

"Awh. Look at those two kids," Ryan says randomly.

I look at him and Brendon and I both stick our tongues out at the same time.

Ryan rolls his eyes. "Mature guys. Real mature."

I shrug and start talking to Matt and Bailey while Brendon and Ryan talk about band stuff. Owen and Greg aren't here so Matt kinda looks bored.

The bell for lunch to end rings 10 minutes later and we all head to our 5th period class. I told Brendon that he doesn't have to walk me to this class since his class is all the way on the other side of the building and he would be late if he walked me everyday. He protested at first, but finally gave in.

And for the rest of the day, my nerves got the best of me and I couldn't stop thinking about tonight.

What if they hated me? What if they told Brendon he couldn't see me anymore? Or what if Brendon gets embarrassed by me and breaks up with me on his own?

Ugh. I really need to stop freaking out. Everything's going to be fine.

I hope...
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Sorry for the long wait. I've been busy busy. But I should be able to write at least one a day from now on. I hope you guys like my story. Feedback would be lovely. :)