You Will Always Own My Heart

Chapter Two.

I'm awakened by the annoying shrill coming from my alarm clock. I groan and roll over to turn it off. Today's the first day of school and I'm not too happy about that.

I groggily climb out of bed and head to the bathroom to take a shower. When I get out I grab a pair of skinny jeans and a black v neck. I apply a small amount of eyeliner and let my wavy brown hair fall loosely. I stare at myself in the mirror for a second before leaving my room and heading downstairs.

"So when are you gonna get me a car?" I ask mom as I walk in the kitchen.

She looks up from her coffee and rolls her eyes.

"Well good morning to you too."

I laugh.

Mom looks at her watch and then curses under her breath. "Kylie I gotta go. I'm gonna be late. The school isn't that far. You don't mind walking do you?"

I sigh. "No. Just go."

She smiles and kisses the top of my head. "Have fun."

"Not likely."

Five minutes later, I'm walking on the sidewalk with my headphones in. It only takes about 10 minutes to get to the school by walking so I don't really mind. At least I have my ipod.

I'm too engrossed in the music blasting in my ears to realize that someone is walking along side me, trying to get my attention. I jump when I fell a hand on my shoulder.

"Holy shit!" I shout as I turn to see Brendon laughing. I pull my head phones out and he's still laughing.

"Sorry. But man I've been trying to get your attention for a while now."


He nods and smiles. "Yep."

We start walking again in silence.

"So what grade are you in?" He asks me.


"Me too. Maybe we'll have some classes together."

I shrug. "Maybe."

He smiles and five minutes later, we arrive at school. We go different ways from there since I still have to get my schedule from the main office.

Once I get my schedule I roam the halls looking for my first period class. Everyone else is in class but I still can't find the room. I finally find the room 5 minutes later and open the door. The teacher looks at me and sighs.

"And you are?" He asks rudely.

"Kylie Rivers." I tell him.

He nods. "Have a seat."

I look around and find that the only empty desk is in the corner next to the window. That's actually perfect. I wonder why no one sits here.

When I sit down I recognize the guy next to me from somewhere. Where was it? Oh! He's one of the guy's that was hanging out in Brendon's garage the other day. He looks at me and smiles. I smile back.

First period was a bore but once it was over, the guy sitting next to me introduced himself.

"Hi. I'm Ryan Ross," He says as we walk out the class room.

"Kylie Rivers."

He nods. I'm about to say something when a really tall guy who I think is a foot ball player comes up to me and puts his hand around my shoulder.

"Hey cutie. I'm Brad." He says.

I put on a fake smile and am about to turn to Ryan but he's no longer by my side.

"Um. Hi," I say. Not bothering to hide my disinterest. But clearly Brad doesn't catch on. We walk with his arms still slung over my shoulder 2nd period, which unfortunately, we have together. Once we get there I notice Brendon and smile. He smiles but then frowns when he sees Brad's arm around me.

I slowly wiggle out of Brad's grip and he just laughs.

"Come sit by me babe." he says.

"Um that's okay. I like sitting in the back anyways," I tell him as I make my way over to Brendon, who is now grinning widely.

"Hey," he says excitedly.

I smile back, "Hi."

"So how are you liking Las Vegas?" He asks.

I shrug. "I don't really know yet. I've been locked inside my house all weekend."

"Well that's no fun. I'll have to show you around."

I nod. "Sure."

"How bout after school?" he asks.

I smile. "Sounds like a plan."
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so i already have 6 chapters written so far. this is chapter 2 though. obviously. haha :)