You Will Always Own My Heart

Chapter Four.

When I wake up the next morning, mom's already gone to work. Last night after our little argument, I stayed in my room for the whole rest of the night. I know it's stupid of me to be upset but it's stupid of her to find a new guy so soon.

I grab an apple off the counter and walk outside. I'm surprised to see that Brendon's on the sidewalk waiting for me.

He smiles when he sees me.

"Good. Now I don't have to walk alone." he says.

I smirk. "Who says we're walking together?"

He smiles. "I do. Now let's go."

I laugh and we start walking to school. Brendon is very chatty this morning. Well, I guess that's how he always is. I've only known him for a few days, and so far he's done most of the talking. But I don't mind. He's very entertaining.

When we get to school Brendon and I go to our first period class. When I get there, I see Ryan sitting in the corner again. When I see him I smile and he looks surprised at first, but then smiles back.

"Hey Ryan." I say as I sit down.

"Hey Kylie."

Class starts shortly afterwards but Ryan and mostly just pass notes all period. Yeah, I know. Pretty middle schoolish but hey, it's better than learning about square roots and other algebraic non sense.

When the bell rings, Ryan and I walk out of the class again.

"You should sit with us at lunch today." Ryan suggests as we walk.


When I get to 2nd period, I spot Brendon and sit next to him.

"Hiya." he greets.

I smile. "Hey."

The teacher comes in and begins to tell us about a project that will be do in 3 weeks or something and how we will have to complete it with a partner.

"When I call your name, please find your partner and discuss what your project will be." The teacher says aloud.

She starts calling out names and there ares several groans of protests.

"Miss Rivers and Mr. Urie." she says finally.

Brendon looks at me and smiles. "Sweet." He says aloud.

At lunch, I quickly find Ryan and he leads me over to where he sits.

"Hey guys this is Kylie. Kylie you already know Brendon." Ryan starts.

Brendon gets up and slings an arm around my shoulder and looks at the other 3 guys sitting down.

"Yep. And she's already decided that I'm her favorite. Sorry guys," He teases.

I wiggle out of Brendon's arms and laugh.

"Hey. We don't know that yet Urie." I tease.

He smirks. "Oh but you will Rivers."

Ryan clears his throat and I look up at him.

"Anyways, that's Greg, Matt, and Owen." he says, pointing to a blonde guy, a red head and another blonde guy. They all smile back and roll there eyes at Brendon.

"Ignore Brendon," The red head, Matt says, "we usually do."

Brendon shakes his head. "You guys know that you would be lost without me."

All three guys, including Ryan look at each other and then burst out laughing. Brendon just rolls his eyes and turns to me.

"So Kylie. Now that you've met us, are you ready for the initiation test?"

I raise my eyebrows. "Huh?"

Brendon smiles wickedly and Ryan rolls his eyes. "Brendon, C'mon man. Leave the poor girl alone."

Brendon swats at the air towards Ryan.

"You guys have an initiation test?" I ask.

Owens laughs. "No. But you're the first new person to ever sit here in like 3 years and Brendon's always wanted to make some one do something crazy before they sit with us."

Greg grunts. "And as you can tell, no one bothers to come near us."

Brendon glares at Greg, who just shrugs his shoulders.

"Ignore them. They're just jealous." Brendon tells me. He's smiling but I can tell he's searching my face for any signs that I might be freaked out or something. I just smile back, letting him know I'm not. I honestly don't care if they aren't popular or anything like that. I've never been popular so who am I to judge?

"What would one have to do to pass this test?" I ask, raising my eyebrows playfully.

Brendon's smile grows even wider.

"Um. I'm not sure. But I'll think of something after school," he says.

I laugh and pretty soon the bell rings and we all go off to our next period class.

When I get to fifth period, I sit in the same seat as yesterday. The teacher isn't here yet so everyone is just talking and moving around the room.

"You're Kylie, right?" I hear a voice ask.

I turn to my side to see a tall blonde with blue eyes and glasses.

I smile and nod. She smiles back nervously.

"I'm Bailey." she says.

"Hi Bailey."

"So how are you liking Las Vegas?" she asks.

I shrug. "It's okay I guess."

She nods. "Yeah. Well um.. I was wondering if-"

I don't get to hear the rest of Bailey's question because she's interrupted by our English teacher, Mr. Burns, who has entered the class room and yelled at us all for talking.

I look at her and mouth, "later." She nods and we listen to "crazy man" for the rest of the period.

"So that was pretty painful," I joke as Bailey and I walk down the hall.

She laughs and nods. "Yeah Mr. Burns is pretty scary."

From what I can see, Bailey is kinda shy and not good with talking. She's gorgeous though, with big blue eyes and long blonde hair and legs to die for.

"So what did you want to ask me before you were interrupted?" I ask.

She starts to open her mouth but is interrupted by Brendon.

"Kylie! Guess what?" he shouts as he catches up with us.

I roll my eyes. "You don't have to shout Brendon, I'm right here."

"Oh sorry," He whispers.

I shake my head. "You should be. I'm sorry Bailey what were you saying?"

I turn my head to Bailey who's turned bright red and is now looking down at her feet.

"Um. Well. Tomorrow, okay?" she says before walking away.

I raise my eyebrows and look and Brendon who just shrugs.

"So what am I guessing about?" I ask.

Brendon's face lights up and he shoves a piece of paper in front of my face.

I take it and read it. "It's a test."

Brendon nods. "Yeah. I got a 96 on my Math test!" he says.

I laugh. "Um okay. That's good."

He frowns and then sighs. "Oh yeah. I forgot. We've only known each other for like 4 days. Sorry."

I look at him and smile.

"It just feels longer than that. You know?" He asks, his face growing serious.

I guess it has. I mean, we already act like we're best friends and all. He's just really easy to get along with I guess.

I nod. "I know," I agree.

His smile is back and then the bell rings. "Shit." He mutters, "gotta go. Bye Ky."

I wave. "See ya"
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