You Will Always Own My Heart

Chapter Five.

Unfortunately, Brendon and I could not hang out after school because he had to go to the doctor or something. Man, I wonder how many times this is gonna happen.

So I walked home alone today. And I gotta say, it was kind of lonely. Pathetic, I know. But hey, when you've got a friend like Brendon, you just miss having fun. It's hard to explain but he's just a fun guy.

When I get home, I notice that mom's there too. I guess it's time we made up. I don't want to be mad at her anymore. I just don't want her to make another mistake.

"Hey mom," I say as I walk into the kitchen.

She looks up surprised, probably because she still thinks I'm mad at her. "Hi sweetheart." she says.

I go to the fridge and get a soda and she clears her throat.

"How was school?" she asks.

"It was good."

She nods.

"So. How was your date," I ask casually.

She looks up at me and smiles.

"Wonderful. Just wonderful Kylie. This one's different. I swear it."

And by the look in her eyes, I kind of believe her. Maybe he'll be different. Maybe...

"We're going on another date this friday." she says dreamily.

I smile and wish her luck before walking to my room to finish some homework.

By 6ish, I hear loud music coming from next door. I groan but then remember that it's probably Brendon and his band.

I get up and quickly make my way downstairs.

"I'm going next door mom," I shout.


I shut the door and casually make my way next door. I stop in front of the garage where Brendon, Ryan and two other guys I don't are playing. They're not that good, but they're okay. Brendon hasn't noticed me yet but Ryan has. He smiles and then goes back to focusing on his bass.

Brendon's facial expressions while he sings make me laugh. He's oddly adorable. When the song's finally over he notices me. He just stares at first, but then he smiles.

"Hey Ky." He says.

I wave. "Hey."

He gestures for me to come inside the garage, which I do.

"Guys this is Kylie. Kylie this is Brent and Spencer." Brendon says.

I wave to each of them and they smile back. Brendon looks at me and scratches the back of his neck nervously.

"So. Uh. Yeah, this is us." he says.

"Us?" I ask.

"Panic! At The Disco," he clarifies.

I nod. "I see."

"Well, we gotta go. It was nice meeting you Kylie," Brent says suddenly.

I nod and him and Spencer leave, leaving me alone with Ryan and Brendon.

"Well, I just came over to say hi. I'll see you guys tomorrow I guess," I tell them as I stand up.

"Hey wait," Brendon starts, "me and Ryan we're gonna chill. You can stay if you want."

I shrug. "Okay. Sure."

He smiles. "Okay. C'mon."

We all walk into his house and head upstairs to his room.

"Are your parents home?" I ask as he sits on his bed.

He shakes there head. "No. There out of town."

I nod. "Coolio."

"We should watch a movie," Ryan suggests.

Brendon and I agree and after arguing over which movie to watch, we finally settle overThe Grudge.

"Ugh Brendon. This movie sucks," Ryan whines

Brendon shushes us and I pout.

"It's the scariest movie I got." he argues.

I sigh in defeat and he pops in the movie. I really don't like scary movies.

I'm sitting between Brendon and Ryan on the floor while we watch the movie. I've never seen it so I honestly do not know what to expect.

By the time the girl opens the attic and lights the lighter I'm practically shivering with fear, and the movie hasn't even really started yet.

"What's gonna happen?" I whisper.

Brendon just smirks. "You'll see."

I turn my head back to the screen and scream when I see a girl with long black hair making some weird noise with her throat.

"What the eff was that?" I shout.

Brendon and Ryan laugh and I pout. Then I realize that I'm practically hanging on to Brendon. I blush, thanking God that the lights are off and he can't see my embarrasment as I pull away.

About half way through the movie, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

"Hello," I ask, not bothering to check the caller id.

"Kylie honey. It's time to come home." My mother tells me.

I sigh. "Alright. I'll be there in a sec."

I hang up and tell Brendon and Ryan that I gotta go.

"Awh. That sucks. We didn't even get to finish the movie," Brendon whines.

I laugh and ruffle his hair. "Next time."

That night I dreamt of Brendon for some reason...