You Will Always Own My Heart

Chapter Six.

The rest of the week pasted by pretty quickly. Brendon and I have been hanging out more and I think he's sorta my new best friend now to tell you the truth. But I can't help but feel attracted to him. He's just insanely good looking and incredibly sweet and nice.

Ryan and the others are pretty awesome too. But like Brendon predicted, he is my favorite. Though Matt and Ryan are not far behind.

I'm walking out of the school building when Bailey catches up with me. After the other day when she tried to ask me something, we've been talking more. She never did finish asking me that question though.

"Hey Kylie."

I smile. "Hey Bailey. What's up?"

She shrugs. "Not much. Just glad it's Friday."

I nod. "Me too. You doing anything fun this weekend?"

She shakes her head. "Prolly not. I'm most likely just gonna watch re runs of House or something."

"I love that show!"

She laughs. "Yeah. It's pretty awesome."

"But that's not a very fun way to spend a weekend." I say.

She sighs. "I know."

"Hey. How bout you come over and spend the night?"

She looks at me and smiles. "Really?"

"Yeah. It'd be fun."

She nods her head. "Yeah. Sure."

I give her my number and my address after that.

"I just gotta go home for a little bit first. But I'll be over at around 6. Is that okay?" she asks.

I nod. "Yep. It sure is."

She smiles and then heads over to her mom's car.

"Awh, she stole you from me." I hear a voice say beside me.

I turn my head and smile at Brendon.

"Were you listening?" I ask.

He shakes his head.

"Nah. Well okay maybe I was."

I laugh. "Whatever. So do you know Bailey?"

"Not really. I mean yeah, we've had a few classes together but she doesn't really talk."

I nod.

"So I'm getting a car next week." Brendon says out of the blue.


"Yeah. I'll give you rides if you want."

I smile. "That'd be awesome."

"Yeah. And all you have to do is go to karaoke with me next friday." He tells me.

I shake my head and laugh. "No Brendon. That's lame."

He pouts. "Hey. The Snake House is awesome."

I raise my eyebrows. "The Snake House?"

He shrugs. "I didn't pick the name."

I laugh and pretty soon we're home. "I'll think about it." I tell him before we each walk into our houses.

By 5:45 I was actually pretty excited about having a friend spend the night. And it's great that that friend is a girl. I mean guys are great to hang with, but a girl needs girl friend to talk to as well. You know what I mean?

"Mom, Bailey will be here any minute, so stop painting your toenails in the kitchen." I whine to my mom. "And by the way, that's gross."

She rolls her eyes and laughs. "Alright. I'll finish in my room."

Grr. My mom can be so weird. Sometimes she still acts like a teenager. It may be cool sometimes, but it gets old.

I'm about to sit down on the couch when the doorbell rings. I walk over to the front door and open it. Baileys there, bag in hand.

"Hey. Nice house." She says as I invite her in.


For the rest of the night, Bailey and I spend time doing crazy things. We gave each other bad makeovers, had a burping contest, and even prank called a few people.

"Kylie?" Bailey asks suddenly in the middle of Dirty Dancing.


"I don't mean for this to sound awkward or anything, but how do you do it?"

I raise my eyebrows and give a questioning look. "Do what?"

"How do you get guys to like you?"

I stare at her for a minute and then laugh out loud.

"Are you crazy? Guys don't like me. Well some do. But only as friends."

She shakes her head. "I've seen the way Brendon and the others act around you. It's obvious that Brendon likes you. Hell, I'm pretty sure Matt likes you too."

"Nah. I don't think Brendon likes me like that. But to tell you the truth. I wouldn't mind if he did."

She laughs and then sighs. "Well, since we're on the subject of guys and all, I was wondering... Does Ryan have a girlfriend?"

I look at her and then smile wickedly. "Ooooo. Does someone have a crush?"

She hits me playfully for teasing her. "Yeah. I do. Since like the 9th grade."

"Well have you guys ever talked?"

She lowers her head. "Uh. Only once or twice. But I always get nervous and end up saying or doing something retarded."

"Well I could always talk to him for you. You know, like casually bring you up and all."

She smiles. "That'd be awesome Kylie."

I laugh.

And then we hear a thud on my window, causing both of us to jump.

"What was that?" Bailey asks.

I shrug. "I dunno. Let's go find out."

We get up and head towards the window. I open it and look down to find Brendon throwing small rocks at my window. How cliche.

"What do ya want loser?" I ask.

He grins. "Get dressed. I'm taking you guys somewhere."