You Will Always Own My Heart

Chapter Seven.

"Where are we going?" I ask as Bailey, Brendon and I pile into Ryan's car. I had Bailey sit shotgun with Ryan cause I'm evil like that.

"It's a surprise," Brendon says.

"Ryaaaan?" I whine.

Ryan laughs and shakes his head. "Sorry Kylie but Brendon told me not to tell you."

I look at Brendon and pout. He laughs and I stick my tongue out at him.

"Butt face," I say childishly.

"Wow Kylie. What are we, 4th graders?" Brendon jokes.

"Har har."

For the rest of the car ride, Brendon and I did most of the talking. Well we mostly just made fun of each other but still. Bailey remained quiet, which I'm going to have to talk to her about later. And Ryan just laughed at Brendon and I and made comments every once in a while.

Five minutes later, Ryan parks the car in a parking lot. We all get out and start walking towards a lit up building up ahead. The name of the building is lit up with neon lights and it says "Dance Or Die"

When we get to the door, there's a buff, bald guy standing in front of it. How cliche.

He spots Brendon and Ryan and smiles.

"What's up Bden?" He asks as they do that handshake guys do often.

"Not much Rob," Brendon replies.

Ryan and Rob do the shake thing too and then Rob looks at Bailey and I.

"And who are these lovely ladies," he asks. I'm glad he's not looking at us in a bad way cause then I'd be grossed out. He just smiles genuinely. I smile back.

"These lovely ladies are my friends, Kylie and Bailey." Brendon tells Rob.

Rob nods and moves to the side of the door. "Have fun." He tells us before we all walk in.

"He was nice," I tell Brendon.

"Yup. He sure is." Brendon agrees.

We walk down a dimly lit hallway and I can here music coming from up ahead. The walls are covered with graffiti and posters. The floors are just plain concrete and are pretty dirty. Where the hell are we?

My questions are answered when we reach the door and Brendon opens it. Inside is a small stage where a band is playing. They're not great, but they're not bad either. Theres people below them on what looks to be the dance floor cheering them on. To the right of the room, there's a bar and to the left there's a bunch of people just standing around talking.

"What do you think?" Brendon asks me.

"I think that this place is awesome," I say honestly.

He smiles and nods. "I knew you'd like it."

I turn to my side to ask Bailey what she thinks, but she's not there. I turn back to Brendon and he nods his head towards the bar.

"I hope you don't mind, but Ryan took her over there to talk. He's been in love with her since like freshman year."

My jaw drops and I can't help but jump up and down with excitement, causing Brendon to raise his eyebrows questionley.

"Bailey just told me that she's liked Ryan since 9th grade. This is perfect." I tell him.

Brendon smiles. "Huh. What do ya know?"

I smile as I look over to see Bailey and Ryan laughing.

"Well, I gotta go fetch the other guys. We're up next." Brendon tells me.

"You guys are playing?" I ask excitedly.

Brendon laughs and nods his head. "Yeah. This will be our first time playing here and I thought it be nice to have a least one person I know in the crowd."

I grin. "Awh. Well I'll be right up front cheering you on. Even if you guys suck."

Brendon laughs and puts his hand to his heart. "Gee thanks."

"You are most welcome."

He starts to walk off but then turns back around. "Thanks. For real."

I smile and nod my head.

He walks off to find the other guys and pretty soon, Bailey's next to me jumping up and down.

"Oh my God Kylie! Ryan just asked me out!"

I laugh and hug her. "I know. I'm so excited for you."

"How did you know?"

"Brendon just told me that Ryan's had a crush on you since freshman year."

Bailey's jaw drops. "Awh man. We could've been dating this whole time."

"Well it worked out anyways." I tell her.

She smiles and nods her head in agreement. We look up to see Panic! At The Disco setting up their instruments.

Brendon looks really nervous as he adjusts his mic. He's so cute. And sweet. And nice. And funny. And Oh My God I like Brendon!

"What's with the googly eyes?" Bailey asks me as I watch Brendon.

"Nothing," I lie.

She shakes her head and smiles. "I really hope he asks you out soon. Ryan said he's too chicken though but-"

"Ryan told you that Brendon's gonna ask me out?"

Bailey nods. "Yeah. Sorry for ruining the surprise but I couldn't help it."

"It's okay. I'm just glad he likes me back."

She laughs. "Of course he likes you back. He's liked you for a while now."

I grin and we look up to see Brendon nervously start to speak into the mic.

"Hey guys. We're Panic! At The Disco." He says.

"Whoooo Panic!" I shout, hoping to put him at ease. He looks at me and smiles brightly. Guess it worked.

Then they start playing and the crowd starts bobbing their heads to the beat and pretty soon they're dancing to the beat.

"They're pretty good," Bailey shouts over the noise.

I nod. "Yeah. I think they got even better since the last time I heard them."

I look at Brendon and when he spots me, he smiles and holds my gaze throughout the rest of the song.