You Will Always Own My Heart

Chapter Eight.

After Panic! finished their song, they left the stage. I'm pretty sure everyone else thought they were good too. They take a while to pack everything up and pretty soon Brendon's by my side again.

"What'd ya think?" he asks.

I shrug. "Ya'll didn't suck."

He pouts. "That's encouraging."

I laugh. "I'm kidding. Ya'll were really good."

"You're just being nice."

I shake my head. "I'm serious."

"Yeah yeah. Anyways Brent and Spencer are loading up the van. We're all gonna go eat. You and Bailey wanna come?"

I check my cell phone to see what time it is. It's already 11:00. Good thing my curfew isn't till 1:00. Yeah, my mom's pretty cool.

"Sure. You okay with that?" I ask Bailey.

She nods. "Yep."

Brendon smiles. "Well lets go."

10 minutes later, we all get into Ryan's car and head to a nearby fast food restaurant. Brent and Spencer are gonna meet us there after their done loading the van.

This time, the car ride was more fun since Bailey and Ryan were actually talking. I can tell that Bailey's really happy and I'm happy for her too. I look over at Brendon who's arguing with Ryan about which type of candy bar is better. I can't help but laugh at such a stupid thing to argue about.

"Twix is so much better than Reeces!" Brendon tells Ryan.

Ryan shakes his head. "No way man."

Brendon looks at me and asks, "Twix is better right Kylie?"

I laugh and nod my head. "I'm gonna have to agree with Brendon on this one Ryan."

Ryan groans. "Awh. No fair. That's just cause you like Brendon better."

I laugh. "That's not true. Okay maybe a little," I laugh.

Brendon throws his fist in the air. "Yes. Score one for Brendon."

5 minutes later we arrive at a small fast food restaurant. We get out of car and head inside, not bothering to wait for Brent and Spencer.

I order a cheese burger, fries and a milkshake. And so does everyone else. I start to pull out some cash from my pocket but Brendon shakes his head.

"I got this," he says, pulling out his wallet from his back pocket.

"It's okay. You don't have to." I tell him, handing the guy my money.

"I want to. I'll pay. So she can have her money back," he tells the guy. The guy gives me my money back and I sigh.

"Thanks," I tell Brendon.

Ryan does the same for Bailey and we all sit down at a small table and start eating our food.

"Dude what's taking them so long?" Ryan asks suddenly.

Brendon shrugs. "Who knows?"

Brendon finishes his food in like 5 minutes and so does ryan. I'm still on my burger. Guys.

Brent and Spencer arrive five minutes later.

"Wow guys thanks for waiting," Brent jokes.

"We were hungry," Ryan tells them.

Spencer rolls his eyes and they go up to the counter to order.

After we all finish eating, I check the time on my phone 12:30.

"Shit guys. I gotta go home." I tell them.

Ryan nods and we get up and say goodbye to Brent and Spencer. They nod goodbye and we get into Ryan's car.

"How far away are we?" I ask.

Brendon shrugs. "About 25 minutes."

"Drive faster Ryan."

Ryan laughs. "My car is a piece of shit. But I'll try."

At exactly 12:48, Ryan pulls into my drive way. Brendon and I get out of the car to give him and Bailey some alone time. Brendon starts walking up to my door with me.

"So tonight was fun." he says.

I nod my head. "It sure was. Thanks for bringing me."

"Thanks for coming."

"So I guess I'll see you later." I say, unlocking my front door.

He bites his lip and nods. "Um yeah. Hey wait," he says before I walk inside.


He clears his throat. "I was wondering if you wanted to.. um.. you know, go out with me.. like tomorrow maybe?"

I smile. "Yeah. I'd like that."

He smiles widely. "Awesome. Well good night Kylie."

"Night Brendon."

He walks over to his house after that and Bailey gets out of Ryan's car and walks inside with me.

"Geeze Bailey. What were you guys doing?" I joke.

"Well we talked a little bit and then we decided to wait until Brendon left cause we were hoping he'd ask you out." Bailey smiles.

"Well I'm glad you waited. Cause he asked me out," I tell her.


I laugh and I go to the living room to let mom know that we're home.

"Alright, well I'm going to bed now. Night girls." she yawns.

"Night mom."

Bailey and I walk up to my room and change into our pjs.

"So did Ryan kiss ya?" I ask as we lay on the floor in our sleeping bags.

She smiles. "Yeah. He did. And it was great."

"That's good. I'm glad you finally got what you wanted."

She nods. "Thanks Kylie. You're a good friend."

"I try."

She laughs and then sighs. "Maybe Brendon will kiss you tomorrow."

I smile. "Maybe."

I fall asleep shortly after that, dreaming about a certain someone once again..