Gypsy Time

Talk of Travel.

Amy twisted in her outfit, not yet use to the new gypsy uniform she was given. Of course Logan, her best friend, also the only male who has yet to hit on her nor get her alone, was just trying to be nice. He didn't know that she hated those types after all, they had only been friends for about five months.

"Are you sure you like it?" Questioned Logan

"Do you want me to be honest?" Amy replied hesitantly

"Yes Amy," Logan said "I want to know if I did good, you can always take it back... I don't mind. I mean, it's not like I'm going to be offended. I want you to be comfortable on this journey"

Amy sighed and slowly replied... "It's a bit... not my style..."

"Well then lets go get something you like!" Logan exclaimed.

"Are you sure Logan" She questioned her faithful partner. "I mean, we can always just have me in my old gypsy outfit, it's not old or anything."

"No no no, you need something New! I insist Amy, please. You're coming such a long way with me, just to meet my parents, I have to pay you back..." Logan insisted

"I've told you, Logan" Amy said tiredly. "It does not bother me one bit to visit your family with you, when we pick up your brother I want to stop and collect a few things if it's not to much to ask of you"

"Oh no of course not, we can stop to collect the stuff then pick up Victor." Logan rushed out as a reply, wanting to go to bed before anything else could be said.

"Well, lets head to bed. We have a long day ahead of us. Goodnight Logan." Amy said, sleepiness inching into her voice.

"G'night Amy, sleep well." Logan replied, trying to sound happy to leave her.

As Logan lie in bed that night he kept thinking of how he would one day, tell Amy what she really meant to him. Amy laid motionless, unable to concentrate on sleep, still unsure as to why Logan begged her into coming. He knew she needed a way out, why beg?