Status: One-Shot::Complete

Love Breaks All Bonds

Chapter 1

Jordan Eberle quietly slipped on his coat and shoes. He had to go see her. Jordan knew how much trouble he'd get in if anyone found out, but he was falling for her. The night they met, felt like it was just the night before, but in reality, it had been months. As Jordan got ready, his thoughts raced to that night...

Jordan was late to practice, he rushed into the arena and there she was, in her skin tight orange an blue cheer leading outfit. She was stunning. Jordan looked into her eyes and she gave him a smile "Hi." she said in a quiet voice.

"Uh...hello." he said not knowing what else to say, or maybe he was too speechless

"I'm Laurie." she said with a smile


She giggled "I know who you are, silly."

Jordan smiled back, but before he could respond coach came storming up "You are fifteen minutes late! There is no excuse for that. Get to the ice now!" coach barked

Jordan hung his head, gave Laurie a saddened look and followed the coach "I was just being friendly with one of the new cheerleaders." he defended

Coach shot him an icy glare "You are NOT to have contact with the Octane. It's strictly forbidden!"

Jordan felt his heart drop. In his mind he had just met the love of his life and he wasn't going to stay away.

Jordan could still hear coach's words to that day, but at that point, he didn't care. He and Laurie were secretly meeting at least twice a week. They became official with each other, but no one else knew. They'd be in big trouble if anyone found out.

Jordan grabbed his keys and was almost out the door when he heard someone clear their throat. He winced and turned around to see his roommate and best friend, Taylor Hall, leaning up against the door frame with his arms folded "Where are you going?" Taylor asked

"Um...out...for a midnight stroll." Jordan said, hoping that would satisfy Taylor

Taylor blinked at him "Don't lie to me."

"Okay! I'm going to see Laurie." Jordan fessed

Taylor sighed "Jordan, you know how much trouble you and her could get into if you get caught!"

"I know! Don't tell anyone, dude, please? I really like this girl." he said

"I won't tell anyone, but if you get one knows that I knew about it, got it?" Taylor said

"Yeah yeah." Jordan said

"Have fun." Taylor said going back into his room

Jordan breathed relief and headed outside. He got in his car and drove to their usual meeting spot, a local frozen pond. They usually brought skates and just skated. Some nights, they'd bring cocoa in a thermos and some cookies and just sit on a nearby picnic table and chat. Jordan pulled his car into the small gravel parking lot by Laurie's car. He got out and walked to the picnic table were Laurie was waiting. "Hey." he said sitting beside her

"Hey." Laurie said

"Is something wrong?" Jordan asked

Laurie sighed "It's just...I'm sick and tired of sneaking around. I hate hiding how I feel about you."

"I know...I hate it too." Jordan replied "I hate that we have to keep us a secret."

"Maybe if there was some way...some way that we could beat around the rule..." Laurie said

Jordan's eye lit up, like he had an idea "Laurie, there is!"

"What do you mean?" Laurie asked

"I'm tired of hiding how I feel...I love you, Laurie Collins, more than anything in this world and I do not want to hide it any more." he said standing up

"Jordan what are you..." Laurie began, he silenced her by putting his finger to her lips

"Laurie Collins, I love you more than anything and I do not want to spend one more second hiding how much I love and car about you. Laurie, will you marry me?" Jordan asked getting down on one knee

Laurie started crying tears of joy as she replied "Yes, Jordan."

Jordan smiled and slipped the ring on her finger "Now tomorrow...we just have to go to the GM."

Laurie nodded "I'm scared."

"Don't be." Jordan said giving her a gentle kiss


Jordan and Laurie nervously awaited their meeting with Mr. Lowe, the Oilers' General Manager. "What are you going to say?" Laurie asked

"Just tell him the truth." Jordan replied

Caitlin, the secretary, came out into the waiting area "Mr. Lowe will see you now." she announced.

Jordan and Laurie entered the room "Ah Mr. Eberle and Miss Collins, do sit down." Mr. Lowe said "Now what is it that you wanted to discuss with me?"

"Well, sir, the rule about staff and players not being able to have relationships outside of work...why is it that id two people are in love they cannot be together? I think that it's just down right ridiculous. We're all adults here and I'm sure we won't allow anything to go on that would jeopardize the team or the league. It's just a pointless rule." Jordan said

"What exactly are you trying to say, Mr. Eberle?" Mr Lowe asked

"Well...Laurie and I have been seeing each other. I love her and she loves me and we don't want to hide it anymore." Jordan said grabbing Laurie's hand

"Is that true Miss Collins?" he asked

Laurie nodded "Yes, sir."

"You know the punishment for breaking the rule." Mr Lowe said

Jordan nodded "And that doesn't matter...if you thor me out of this league...I'm sure I can get into long as I can play hockey and be with the girl I love...none of that matters."

"Miss do you feel?" he asked

"Well...I don't want Jordan to get kicked out...he's worked so hard to get here, but as long as he is happy I am happy." Laurie said

Mr. Lowe looked from Jordan to Laurie, then back to Jordan. "Well, I guess there is only one thing to do then..." Jordan winced as he spoke. He could almost hear the next words he assumed Mr. Lowe would say, they were the words he feared the most, but if they meant staying with Laurie he was fine with it. "The rule on not allowing staff and players to be in personal relationships is now void."

"Really?!" they both said

"Yes. You two have shown me that what you have is not just a fling and that you handle it responsibly. So I guess all that's left to say is...Congratulations." Mr. Lowe said shaking Jordan's hand

"Thank-you, sir! Thank-you so much!" Jordan replied. Jordan couldn't believe it. He could stay in the NHL and be with Laurie. Life was good.

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Hope you liked this little one-shot(: