Status: Finished

Baby, We're Like a Time Bomb



I picked up the phone. “Hey Stel.” I greeted her. “Hey Alex, you’re coming over today? Or is you fiancée home?” She snickered at the word fiancée. “No, she’s out till 9. Wedding stuff.” I sighed.

“So, what time are you coming over?” She giggled seductively. “I’ll be there in 15 minutes.” I replied and stuffed my phone in my pocket before walking out of the house.


“ALEX!” Stella moaned from underneath me. “Fuck Stella.” I grunted out before collapsing on top of her. I rolled of her and put my clothes back on. When I turned around Stella had pulled on a rope. “Damn Alex, it like the sex is better every time I see you.” She giggled. “We have to stop this, after I get married I mean. I cannot do that to my wife.” I said. Stella nodded in understanding. “I get that Al.” The grin appeared on her face again. “But until then… we can still have a little fun, right?”I kissed her roughly. “Definitely.” I said huskily.

Forty minutes later I was in my car on the way home. I changed my mind the very last second and, instead of going home, I drove to the docks. I parked my car and sat on the hood, looking up at the stars. They reminded me of Jasey’s and mine first date. God I was a miracle she say yes in the first place.

”Please? Please go out with me.” I begged. “No Alex, I’m not going on a date with you.” Jasey said sternly, like she was talking to a annoying five year old. “Come on Jasey. Why not?” “Because Alex, we’re friends. Going on a date is not what friends do.” She explained.

“But I wanna be more than friends. Don’t you? Don’t you like me?” I pouted. She dropped the shirt she was folding and finally turned to face me. “I like you Alex, maybe even more than a friend, but what if I say yes and we actually start going out and what if that doesn’t work out? I don’t wanna ruin our friendship.” I was going to explain her why that wouldn’t happen, but she cut me off. “And besides I already told you, I’m not looking for a relationship.”

“Then it’s just a summer fling for now, I don’t care. We’ll see what happens when summer ends. Just please give me a chance.” I tried one last time. “One date. One chance. That’s all I ask for.” She gave me a doubtful look and threw her hands up in defeat. “Fine! I’ll go on a date with you.”

I smirked. “Tonight, meet me at the exit of the venue at 7.” I said and run off to plan our date.


At precisely 7 o’clock Jasey arrived at the gate, where I was waiting for her. “Hey.” She waved a little as she greeted me. “Hey, wow you look amazing.” I said. Jasey was wearing a dark blue sundress that was perfect for her. “Thanks Alex, so where are we going?” She asked curiously. “You’ll see.”

About 20 minutes later we got to the park, where I’d set up a picnic, with a little help from my friends. Jasey’s eyes went wide as she took in the scene in front of her.

“Oh Alex this is amazing. You did all this for me?” She gasped. I kissed her cheek. “Of course, you deserve it.” I said truthfully.

We sat and ate and talked for hours. Suddenly Jasey laid down, staring at the dark sky above her, that was filled with stars. “I love watching the sky at night.” She mumbled. “I mean look at it, isn’t it beautiful?” “Yeah.” I said, keeping my eyes on her. Jasey realized this and blushed. “Thanks Alex. I’m glad I agreed to go out with you.” She confessed.

She sat up and leaned against me, her head resting on my shoulder. “Hey Alex.” She whispered. “Yeah.” She lifted her head so she could look at me. “I like you too, more as a friend I mean.” I couldn’t help but grin at her. “I’m glad you changed your mind.” I said and then I kissed her.

The sound of my phone woke me up from my daydream. “Hello?” “Alex? Where are you? Everyone is looking for you.” It was Rian. “Sorry dude, I lost track of time. I was visiting Stella and I just drove around after that.” Rian know Stella and I were friends, just like the rest, what they didn’t know was the whole friends with benefits part of our relationship. “Oh, how is she by the way?” “Great, but she’s moving to the UK, she got a job offer there.” “That suck. Is she still coming to the wedding though?” “No, she’s leaving the day before that.” Which was probably better for everyone. “I’m sorry Alex, I know you two are friends.” “It’s okay. Anyways I’m going home now. See you tomorrow.”

I hung up and drove back home reluctantly. I was getting sick of people checking on me or calling to ask where I was. This whole wedding thing was driving me nuts. A part of me was screaming not to go home, to just drive off and disappear, but I didn’t.

Of course I would never do that. I was just going to drive home, back to my fiancée, and prepare myself for the wedding, which was in two weeks. Yeah that’s right, I was going to get married, whether I like it or not.
♠ ♠ ♠
Nope, Stella is not Alex's fiancée, like most of you thought.
This was a bit of a filler. Next one will be better.

comments = update

Love, Felicia