A Piece of Wisdom

Not more than three minutes from when im typing this, I was being lazy and just laying in bed. Recently I have had one of those "blast from the past" experiences. A few nights ago, I was outside, in below zero temperature, crying. I found myself dialing the number of my ex-girlfriend (yes, I'm bi, just to clear that up.). There's a whole other story about her, but my point is that about three minutes ago, I was thinking of how I called her when I needed help. And why I needed her help. And I was thinking generally of my past. Just in flashes; a word here, a picture there, but enough to piece together things I could barley remember before.

And I realised something. Yes, because I moved away from home town, thinking about my past makes my heart ache. But; it doesn't change the fact that I have a past. I've been trying to forget it for so long, that I forgot the fact that this past is what defines me. I learned so much back home, and I'm still learning here, in my new home. There are somethings I need to move on from, like my ex's, and my former images of myself, but it doesn't mean I need to lock my memories in a box and hide them forever.

In this "story" (because yes, it is a story) I will write out specific things I remember about my old home, and thing in my new home, that have changed me. I can't garuntee frequent updates, but I promise that if I'm asked for more I'll try. And if enough people want to be authors, too, I'll start letting other people share their "little piece of wisdom".

Because all of us need someone to show what we've seen, heard, spoken, and l e a r n e d. <3