Just Breath

Week Six

I'm watching the paramedics taking his mangled body out of what once was a car.they put it in a body bag and zip it up. I walk over and unzip the bag to see his face, covered In blood. Suddenly he let's out a blood curdling yell. "JULIE! HELP ME!"
I'm crying as I jump back in horror screaming.

I wake up startled. Relieved it was a dream. I sit up and take some deep breaths to calm myself. A huge wave of nausea hits me and I run for the bathroom. I vomit nothing but water, since it's the only thing that keeps me from vomiting as much.
It's been six weeks since I've found out I was pregnant. And Kris, the father, is the one who died in the accident. We got in a fight that night, I told him that I was pregnant. He drove off in a rage denying that it was his kid. And if was just weeks ago that he told me "I'm with you no matter what." but who is really going to believe a guy who's 17. Apparently they aren't ready for commitment or kids.
I start to hear my mother coming up the stairs and I quickly get up and clean myself up.She comes into the room and stands in the door way of my bathroom as Rinse my mouth out. "good morning"
"hey mom, sorry I'm running a little late, I just need to get dressed."
"okay sweetie, just hurry okay. I don't want you to be late" you know how moms are during senior year you can't miss one day even if you have the flu!
I looked in my closet and grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and a light green t-shirt. I put on my favorite pair of tan boots with fringe on them. When I looked in the mirror I noticed I was still wearing the necklace. A white gold chain with a "K" on it. "K" for Kris. I started to feel tears well up in my eyes. But before I could let them overflow, I shook it off and went down stairs. I grabbed a piece of toast and left the house. I usually have a big appetite but I really dont feel like throwing up all over the place.
I jump in my Honda Civic and head to school. Feeling the the world is spinning to fast for me. But lucky for me I make it to school safely.
For a second I feel like something is keeping me in the car. Like I can't get out.
When I finally force myself out of the car, I try to quickly get to my first class. But apparently I can't get to class fast enough.
"hey girl!" Lacy. We were friends in elementary school, but I don't talk to her anymore. She's one of those people who doesn get the fact that we're not friends anymore.
"Oh hey Lacy"
"What's up?"
"nothing really"
"how was you're summer?"
I gave her a blank look
"Oh my gosh.... Julie I'm so sorry... How are you holding up?"
"I'm fine thanks.. Hey I have to go" but before she could say goodbye, I was gone.

Seven hours later...

Today went pretty well i guess. if you juat keep saying that you're okay and that you're fine. everyone believes it. i guess the hard part is trying to convince yourself that you're okay. How long could it take?