The Saints Of Mibba

Ordinary Heroes.

Everyone needs a hero. You do, I do, and the person next to you needs a hero. The dictionary defines hero as a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. The dictionary can be right; someone can be admired for what their heroic deeds, but sometimes you and I just need more. We need more to our heroes than a knight in shining armor or someone ready for battle. We can’t always use a fairytale description of a hero and we all can’t be the princess in the tower. You and I, we have flaws, and it can only make sense that human with flaws has a hero with flaws, too.

My heroes, they’re ordinary. Just everyday people you see walking down the street in t-shirts and jeans. They’re the people who might or might appear in next generation’s World History II books.
I like my heroes ordinary. I think you do, too. We all like to have a hero we can relate to. Someone who’s been there and done that, some one who can understand how it feels to be cracked and broken. Maybe it’s just me, but anyone can be a hero. You don’t have to save a small country or donate a million dollars to save lives to be a hero. You can do anything and become a hero. Everyday we find a new reason to admire someone or something.

To those of you who are taking your time to read this: You are my hero. You in your black zip-up hoodie and tight jeans, you are my hero. I might not know your name yet, or what your favorite color is, but I have a feeling we understand each other. I know what it’s like to fix and you probably know what it’s like to be broken. That’s why you’re who I look up to. I can relate to you and all I need is something ordinary.

You don’t know how you affect me. I’ve cried for you and I’ve smiled for you, but most of all… I love for you. You make me feel like I can belong again. Maybe I can get fixed, right? All of you give me that feeling. Every time I see you, I get hope. Hope leaks from my face if it was ever possible.

More than anything, I’m thankful for you. You’re everything I want to be and at the same time I like being me. You make me feel okay for being me. You make me feel like the real me has a place to belong. You’re my home, my safe haven, the place I go to when I need something most. The only time I feel safe is when I’m with you or when I’m near you. I talk about you all the time just to get the smallest amount of that safe feeling.

As we take a look back on how the dictionary defines hero, I think the definition needs to be changed. I think we need to show the world what a hero is.

Hero: noun; See Also ‘Mibbians.’
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by trohmania.