The Saints Of Mibba



That word always scared me. I never wanted anything to do with it. I didn’t feel I deserved one, I didn’t want one. I hated it, with a passion. I was always made to feel that I was a useless waste of space, with the way people talked to me. I only had ‘pity friends.’ You know, the people who only like you because they feel sorry for you.

In my opinion, they are worse than enemies, they’re probably bitching about you behind your back. At least enemies do it to your face.

“Gosh, I have to go hang with Jack again. Other wise he is going to feel unloved and go all emo on me again.”

Primary school was nightmare. I really only had one friend, and that was Lucy. I was too young to understand how manipulative she really was, and how bitchy she could be. She was a little racist and rude, but I was desperate for friends, so I just agreed with any she said. She was sometimes there for me but, unlike Jasmine.

In out of school care, Jasmine would be my best friend. We would talk, do homework and play games on the school oval. That all changed when the bell hit 8:45am. Back to the bitchy Jasmine, the one who doesn’t even like “that Jack kid.”

“He’s such a loser, why would I ever talk to him?”

Then, at 3:00am, she suddenly became my best friend until 8:45am the next day. Mainly because I was smart, and could do my, and her homework quickly. She often left me with her worksheet to complete, when she went and played outside, with Charlie.

Charlie was also a ‘friend’ in out of school care, but he talked to me in school, but it was just the occasional “Hello,” or something stupid like that. I was never invited to sit with him, or any of his friends at lunch.

I wasn’t cool enough for that.

And I probably never would be, ever.

But then, I found Elaine Alix Heitman
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by Jackson; teh aussie.