The Saints Of Mibba


I'm weird. Sometimes my acting can be slightly unusual, and sometimes it can be extremly odd. My parents always loved me, from the day one and I always knew how to make them do what I want. My father wanted to have a boy, so he got one. I played soccer with him, dressed like him and he took me bowling every Sunday.
What about my mum? She's a very strong woman, a great person, but very unambitious. She let me be and she didn't push me to do anything. I was unwritten paper and only I had to write my story down.

They say I was a brilliant kid. Intelligent, sweet, helpful. But I remember being muddy and always getting into trouble. I never had any friends, I rather sat in a corner and read books for much older kids. I grew up too fast, so I was very different than other kids. They were ignoring me at first, but then they started to bully me. It reached to the point where I completely closed myself and had no contacts to them at all.

High school. New start. Again, no friends at all. After a year I got very popular, I don't even remember how it started. That year was the best year of my life. If someone asks me to name my favorite days I had I always say - ditching school and getting stoned and drunk at local bars. I really enjoyed shutting down from reality. Booze, pot or even innocent sleep were my favorite things. But as I kept doing it, I realized that my strongest ability is getting more and more weak. I did a huge damage to my brain.
I love being smart. You can't make me happy if you say that I'm pretty or cute. I shine every time someone says I'm smart. Even though I'm not really the smartest human being as I claim to be. I got really scared and I started obsessing with new activity - studying and school work, to keep my reputation of a smart ass. I lost my friends, because I didn't fit in.

Soon I got bored of studying, totally understandable. Now I'm here, at the end of high school, I don't even know what I want to do, what are my goals, nothing. I just want to be rich and accepted. I deny that I want love. Love would only stop me from being successful.

Sometimes I wonder what Freud would say about my story.
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by Sneki;Amazon.