The Saints Of Mibba


I was young, not so much hopeless, I wasn’t alone, I had friends. Life seemed great, until that night…

My parents were quarreling, it was nothing new, it happened quite often but something seemed different.
The words were more severe, more hurtful, and more obscene than I’d heard before.

I’d ignored it and went to bed, only to be woken up by my mother early next morning. My life had changed forever, we’d moved to Adelaide, moved in with my grandmother; she was making my mum pay rent.

I’d started at a new kindergarten, I missed my friends.

A few weeks past and my mum had met up with an old friend. A man.

It wasn’t long after that we’d moved out again and into his house. He had a son, not the nicest person in the world, more of a show-off to be honest. He was obsessed with sports. No thanks.

About two years later, a wedding was scheduled. Still too young to understand I didn’t mind. I got to be the bridesmaid which really was the most amazing at the time.

During the past years I’d seen my father every weekend until he moved to Pt. Lincoln. I then saw him every holiday, usually for a week. Every time I’d left, I’d always cry, whether is was on the plane or at home, never in front of anyone.

My mother was never the nicest person on the earth, but if I didn’t live with her, I never would have discovered my home; Mibba.

I constantly contemplated suicide, often staring at knives my mother had given me to eat my dinner.

My mother always yelled insults at me, “You fat pig. You’ll never be anything more than a fat bitch.”

Those words hurt me so much I began to become quiet at school, I did well but I was introverted.

At the beginning of last year, I’d started Year seven. I had no friends, rumors flying around about me being ‘emo’, anorexic and a ‘goth’. This made me even worse, nearly every night I laid on my bed, crying.
I’d been physically and verbally abused.

I thought about life without me, how everyone would be better off.

Things started to brighten up in the middle of the year, I found out My Chemical Romance would be touring Australia, I managed to get tickets. I began to live my day to day life on the internet, on Mibba. I’d found new friends, even if I didn’t know them in real life, I trusted them; they are all I had left.

The end of the year drew close and so did the concert. I can definitely say it is the best day of my life, even though I still had to go to school. Sadly the next day a bitch at my school made me cry, I can never forgive her for what she did, I will never tell anyone either. Even the person I trust most.

Memories of the concert, everything about it makes me cry, I can hardly stand listening to Famous Last Words anymore, it was the last song of the night. I miss My Chemical Romance so fucking much it hurts.

Soon I start my secondary schooling, I don’t know if it will be better than primary school, but I’, sure I’ll find out soon. I’ve never quite recovered from my early childhood; I don’t think I ever will.

I am not a hero, nor a saint. But everyone who has impacted my life in a positive way is. Needless to say; the people of Mibba have helped me become who I am, even though I am still finding myself.

I love you Mibba.
♠ ♠ ♠
by Der Metzgermeister