The Saints Of Mibba


I looked up the dictionary definition of ‘Hero’. Here’s what it said:

hero n, pl heroes principal character in a film, book, etc; man greatly admired for his exceptional qualities or achievements heroine n fem heroic adj courageous; of or like a hero heroics pl n extravagant behaviour heroically adv heroism [herr-oh-izz-um] n.

Isn’t it funny how people misconceive you. They don’t understand you, they hardly even know you, yet to them, you are a Hero. To them you are dazzling and outstanding, brave and unafraid, the cotton pulled so tight over their eyes that all they can see is the glory they wish existed.

Another dictionary definition. False:

false adj not true or correct; artificial, fake; deceptive e.g. false promises falsely adv falseness n falsity n falsehood n quality of being untrue; lie.

And as I skimmed through the lists of words, the paper dry against my finger tips, I found my definition. It was like a bullet in the form of words. Artificial then fake then false promises, every single last one of them making my soul ache with guilt. How many lies must slip from parted lips before they tear the world apart?

I took a moment to reminisce, thinking back to all the times I told false promises. Given hope when there was none. All the people I’ve hurt with my actions and words, everything boiling down to letters on a page. These letters, these words. This story. This little girl in a big world, trying to be something she’s not. A hero. Every sense of reality lost when she is called that little four letter word.

Still trying to lie to myself, I put down the dictionary and went to my computer. The keyboard felt familiar as my fingers flew across it, typing till the tips of my fingers tingled and my wrists ached. Vision blurred and eardrums bleeding due to the pounding rhythm blaring from my headphones, but I kept on typing.

at home at ease

Home. A place I can truly be myself. Mibba, my home. And despite my false promises and despite my falsehood, I’m accepted. Despite my falseness I am at home.

hero n, pl heroes principal character in a film, book, etc; man greatly admired for his exceptional qualities or achievements heroine n fem heroic adj courageous; of or like a hero heroics pl n extravagant behaviour heroically adv heroism [herr-oh-izz-um] n.

I looked up the dictionary definition of ‘Hero’ today and I couldn’t see my name. I saw Mibba. I saw home.
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by Rowan HardLiquor.