The Saints Of Mibba

Your Saint.

Sometimes, even when every fiber of our being tells us not to, we simply have to let go.

Or, pass the torch so that the flame stays ignited.

I am sad, but, I am learning.

The Saints of Mibba was born in the wee hours of January 27, 2008.

I can’t even remember how it came to me. I just remember sitting and staring at a blank word document and then suddenly I was hit with, potentially, the biggest writing project ever to be undertaken by a collective bunch of writers.

I wrote the introduction and found myself tearing up as I typed the last sentence. My priorities for writing seemed to have changed within a matter of hours. My perception was different, my goals were different.

I was different.

Over the following hours, stories from Mibbians all over the world started pouring in. I read them all and published them as fast as my fingers could tap at the keyboard. During that period, it would have been a rarity to see me not at the computer.

This isn’t my life story. It wasn’t what my entry was originally going to be about.

But, it certainly is – was - an experience for me.

My saints, it hurts.

It hurts not being able to read your stories.
It hurts not being able to talk to you.

Most of all, dear saints, it hurts knowing that I have to let go.
That you are no longer mine.

But, then again, perhaps you never were mine to have.

There’s no caging a bird that wants to be free.
♠ ♠ ♠
Written by the creator.
Written by a real hero.

Written by an angel