The Saints Of Mibba

All-Time Heroes.

My Chemical Romance. Three words, seventeen letters, and six syllabus.

The band that can save lives. And this is a fact. My Chemical Romance have indeed saved my life. Back-off, they really did. I wasn't the depressed kind. I had problems with family, friends, school, and life. Basically, I was like a living wreck when the world does not see me. Everyday I fake a smile or happyness to my close love ones. They all really didn't know what was goiong on with me. They all didn't know, I wanted to die.

Sure, sucide wasn't the answer, but eighty-five percent of me - wanted to die.

Where does My Chemical Romance come in you ask? Why, their songs of course.

I'm Not Okay (I Promise) just really was my all-time theme music. I always play that song when something bad happened or I'm not in the mood at all. There was something about that song that just gave me the urge to be strong. It was that song that gave me more confidence than I ever had. That song that gave me hope.

People always ask me, 'What do you see in this band?' I always respond as to, 'Their music, their songs, their lyrics, them.' They always get confused as to why I'm so obessed with MCR. They're always saying, 'It's just a band. Nothing more, nothing less.' See, that's the problem. In my eyes, they're more than just a band. They're my heroes, my inspirations, my saviors. Everytime I tell them that, they all just say okay. But deep down in their heads, they don't understand a word I just said.

My Chemical Romance impacted my life more than any other band I've heard. Sure, to some people, they're nothing but sell-outs. But they're my heroes. What are you going to do about that? I'll always keep my faith to them no matter what. Because if you look at it, they're just always there for me. Sure, they're not there to be by my side, but their songs and messages are branded on my heart. They're just more than a band to me.

It even hurts more when someone talks shit about. It really does. When someone says they suck or they're sell-outs, it just feels as if someone ripped your heart out. Sure, I became a hypocrite when I talked shit about Gerard Way, but now I've got my faith back and it's stronger than ever. This time I won't let any rumor destroy my faith on these five men. Because they've been there for me with their music.

Famous Last Words - another powerful song that just makes me cry everytime I hear it. Call me cliche or whatever, but it's me. The song is beautiful, no matter what you all say. Famous Last Words taught me to never be afraid. To always stand up. To never let anyone take me down, alive. Basically, it just broadcasts so many messages, yet to me there is only one message and that is - To Never Be Afraid.

Because when I'm done and just feel wanting to die. Or just wanting to disappear and give up.

My Chemical Romance is always there.
♠ ♠ ♠
by Bullshit That !