Status: We're Back And Ready! :)

The Randomness That Are Girls

Chapter 10

Bunny’s POV

“Ay, Bunny! That’s my booty you smacked into!” Love says, spinning around to face me.

“Oh, sorry, Love!”

I tried to sound sincere, but I knew I failed miserably. They just know me all too well. We’ve all been the best of friends since we were little; we knew just about everything about each other.

I noticed Love looking for her ear-buds, and took that as my chance to escape. Love is scary as a psychopathic serial killer when she’s angry. I sighed as soon as I was out of reach of her. Everyone else was flirting with their latest crushes. Well, at least now I have some time to myself …

I quickly tiptoed like a spy out of one of those bad movies, singing my theme song rather obnoxiously. I’m such a dork. I walk into the first store I could find that sold CDs. My collection of music was in desperate need of an update. I think Rihanna's supposed to have a new one out …

I study all of the albums with their colorful covers, looking for nothing in particular. There was just so many that were calling my name to buy them …

“Can I help you with anything?”

I look up at the male voice of an employee, studying him for only a brief amount of time.

“Umm, no thank you,” I say, shyly. I wasn’t exceptionally good with people that I didn’t really know.

“Hey, you’re Berenice, right?”

I frown. “Yeah, that’s me. Most people call me Bunny.”

“Bunny? That suits you,” he says teasingly, a hint of a smile shadowing in his golden-brown eyes.


There was a moment of silence, in which he took the time to stare at me like I was a science project. I turn back to the wall of music, finding his gawking awkward, and a tad creepy.

“Is there something you’re looking for specifically?”

“Umm, yeah, I guess. Do you guys have that new Rihanna CD?I think it’s called Loud?”

“Yeah, I think we got it yesterday.”

He scans over the wall of albums, picking one out and holding it for me to judge. I smile politely, taking it out of his grasp. I pull my wallet out of the back pocket of my knee length jean shorts, smiling as I paid him.

“Thank you.”

“Anytime, Bunny,” he says, flashing me a perfect white grin. “Nice to meet you.”

“You, too, umm …”


“Bunny!” I hear my friends shouting around the mall.

“They’re calling,” he flashes me another grin.

“Thanks, again!” I say quickly, before I go darting out of the store to meet up with my friends at the food court. “Hey guys.”

“Where were you?” my younger sister, Cat, asks.


They roll their eyes. They so think I’m awesome. Which I totally am!
♠ ♠ ♠
I never really introduced myself. I’m Alison. (Call me Dreamer if you want.) I’ll be telling you Bunny’s story.