Status: We're Back And Ready! :)

The Randomness That Are Girls

Chapter 11

Dove's POV

My name is Dove, but my girls

My name is Dove, but my girls like to call me Dovey. That's because me and Love are so inseparable that we're practically joined at the hip. They call us "Lovey,Dovey". Anyways, we may look way different, me being with my back-length golden hair, striking yellow eyes, and Bronze skin, but we are soul sisters.

Tonight was Friday and the girls and I were having our annual sleep over., which was always on the first Friday of every month. Tonight was my turn to host. Each girl had their sleeping bag laid out, and every one was laughing and talking themselves hoarse. I smiled. I LOVE my friends.

A couple minutes later after I had done some socializing, I stood up on my coffee room table. "GIRLS!" I yelled over the noise of my friends. "I am about to put the movie in the DVD player, and I want to be able to hear my Ashton Kutcher!" I yelled. "So, please take your seats and grab your snacks!" I finished.

I popped the movie in and ran back my sleeping bag, next to Love, of course, and giggled with the others.
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Hey I'm Syd and imma be writting Doves POV :)