Status: We're Back And Ready! :)

The Randomness That Are Girls

Chapter 15

~Cat's P.O.V~
I glance over at each girl, watching them all drool over Ashton.

My mind was in another place. This thought has been eating me away for ages. I had tried to explain to some but I could never get it quite out. Today was the day I had to tell some one.

There was one person I could never tell, Cookie. I have explained this to Happy one to many times. I could tell Bunny, although she is so close to Cookie.

I turn my attention to Cocoa, I haven't been very open with her since we've moved out here.

"Hey Cocoa. Can u meet me up in the kitchen real quick. Be sneaky!" I send her that text. Her phone beeps in the classic Nevershoutnever! ring tone and she excuses herself to the kitchen.

I was already in the back of the room so I slide out.

I plop down at the table. "Yesss?" She asks. Just like that my whole story pours out.

"I love Dean! I love love love love love him! Ever since that one day at the pool, he saved me. Something just connected. He saved me from drowning, he saved my life. I can't repay him. Instead I decide to fall head first with one of my best friends brother." My story empties out as the tears pour over and I collapse into Cocoa's arms.

I hadn't told anyone, some might of guessed, although Happy only knew for sure. Until now.

I pulled myself together, wiping my face. "What do I do, Cocoa?" I ask, sniffling.