Status: We're Back And Ready! :)

The Randomness That Are Girls

Chapter 16


Laughing out loud I quickly grabbed my Blackberry out of my back pocket. I looked at the screen and sighed as I opened the message from my older sister, Brittnie.

Where the hell are you? You wre meant to be home for lunch. Ur so dead u brat!

I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Sienna Cherish, but I go by the name Song. I'll tell you why later. Anyway, I have red scene hair and deep blue eyes. They almost look black. Almost. I'm often labelled as a 'scene' or an 'emo', but I don't really give a crap. I'm just me.

I'm in LOVE with piercings and tattoos. No one can keep me away from them. I have eyebrow studs, small but noticable septum ring and snakebites. Soon I'm getting traffic lights on my right ear. I also have a bleeding rose tattoo on my right shoulder.

Okay, I guess you're wondering how I ended up becoming friends with such awesome people. Well, I remember it like it was yesterday...


"Back off Britt. I mean it."

Facing the biggest know-it-all-sister of the century, I backed-up against a brick wall. She smirked at me. "Oh please, I thought scenes are meant to be tough. Boo hoo hoo."

I was just about to say something that would've earnt me a detention if I were at school, when a group of girls butted in. "Oh, get lost Britt. No one wants to hear about how you fixed a broken nai polish bottle. Cut the girl some slack."

Britt turned away from me and strolled over to the group of girls. Instead of running away like a wuss, I ran up to Britt and kicked her in the back, where she just got a butterfly tattoo. She screeched out in anger. "Go home. Dad'll deal with you later."

She gave me a death glare and stalked off. I ran up to the group of girls and smiled. "Thanks for saving my bacon. She would've blamed it on a group of guys if you hadn't come along."

One of the girls smiled at me. "No problem. You know her?" I let out an exasperated sigh and nodded. "Yeah, unfortunately she's my sister." I looked at my shoes and looked back up. Their mouths were just hanging open. I shook my head and laughed. "So, I say I buy you all ice-cream as a thank you gift."

Another girl, who was Indian, nodded happily. "Consider it a done deal." We all hooked our arms together and started skipping towards the mall. Since then, we've been stuck together like glue.


I rolled my eyes as I closed the text. Standing right behind Bunny, my phone blares my message tone, which is of course Dream by Fiend. I look at the screen and almost faint.

Will u go out with me? Robbie xoxo

Robbie. Only my BIGGEST crush ever! I smile dreamily and put the phone back into my clutch. I'll reply later.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I'm Gabbii. I'm writing Song's POV. For those of u who don't know, Fiend is a Russian death metal band.
