Status: We're Back And Ready! :)

The Randomness That Are Girls

Chapter 18

Pinks P.O.V

Well to introduce myself, I’m Pink....obviously that’s not my real name because what kind of parent would call their child “Pink”. That’s just CRUEL! My real name is Abigail...but I prefer Pink.

I got the name “Pink” because I used to have an EPIC obsession with the singer, like I was literally crying when I went to her “funhouse” concert. But I’m kind of over that now. I’m more into my hardcore metal and rock....and some acoustic stuff now...although I do listen to Pink occasionally.

I have black hair with purple low-lights..but the purple probably won't last hair colors never do. My hair is always styled dead straight and teased at the back, with my bangs covering my left eye. I had a black lip ring and a nose stud and a few other face-piercings but my lip and nose piercings were my favorites. I also never went anywhere without wearing eyeliner.

I have 2 tattoos; one on my right shoulder with my brothers’ name (Jake) inside a heart made of thorns, no I’m not some lame sister who’s in love with her brother. He passed away...but I’m not getting into details. My other tattoo is on my left fore-arm quoting “iHeartRAWRmusic”. Probably not the best idea for when I’m older, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.

I wasn’t able to stay over at Dove’s house last night, much to my disgust. I love the girls, they are the only people I'm actually myself around, although I was kind of still an outcast in the group.

So I was walking down her street, heading over now. Bullet For My Valentines “Bittersweet Memories” was blasting in my ears. I don't think I've ever gone more than 5 minutes without some form of music playing in my ears. I play guitar and drums and sing(not that anyone knows that). I also write my own songs (another thing no one will ever know about.)

I got to Dove’s driveway and stopped, watching a group of guys leave the doorstep. They turned and saw me and suddenly my sky blue converse became very interesting to my eyes.
I could hear one of the guys mutter “Isn’t that the emo chick?”
I shot my gaze up and gave him a glare. I think his name was Dean, but I could never be sure. I didn't really get along with the soccer team much.

I hated it when people called me emo. Sure I listened to heavy metal and looked like the stereotypical emo...and...was the complete opposite of being a social butterfly....and had been recommended to see a counsellor on more than one occasion. These things did not make me emo! Well...I think so anyway.

Once the guys were gone I walked up to the doorstep and rang the doorbell.
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Heyhey, I'm Sami and I'll be writing from Pink's P.O.V and i actually did used to have a major obssession with Pink...and yes...I did cry at her concert. :\ ...DONT JUDGE ME XD heheheh

Well, so far I'm having fun with writing from this chicks p.o.v so chyea :D