Status: We're Back And Ready! :)

The Randomness That Are Girls

Chapter 21

"You'll never guess what Rainbow just did," Cat screamed

I ran outside to see all of the boys soccer team on the ground

"They deserved it!" Rainbow yelled as she was taken inside by Dove and Bunny

"Are you guys okay?" I asked, helping them up

"My butt hurts," Paxtyn mumbled

"Sorry about Rainbow, she's extremely protective of us." I explained

"It's fine, could you drop us off at the hospital?" Dean asked, limping

"Just follow me inside, I'll help you guys out."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Paxtyn asked

"I'm positive" I smiled

In the house, I patched up everyone that needed patching up.

"So, who are you guys? Like what are your names?" Xavier asked

"Well, I'm Happy, and you can ask everyone else who they are Mr. Stalker." I muttered

"So... Can we stay?" Paxtyn asked,

"Sure!" I said rapidly, accidently forgetting about the other girls

After I semi-explained why the boys were staying, the girls were reluctant but cool with it, except for Rainbow, who I love dearly, I had to explain more.

"So, Happy, What's up?" Paxtyn asked

I blushed, "Nothing, making a snack, want one?"

"That's only one thing I want," He smirked, moving closer to me before kissing me
♠ ♠ ♠
BLAH: Im in love with Paxtyn and hes not reall...xD