Status: We're Back And Ready! :)

The Randomness That Are Girls

Chapter 22

Arabella "Glitter" Scott has entered the building. And she might just never leave.

Well, you all haven't met me yet. But just in a few quick sentences, I will tell you a little about myself. My name is Arabella Glittera Scott. Yes, my middle name is just 'glitter' with the letter 'a' at the end. Don't judge, it's a family name. Anywho, in case you haven't guessed, that is how I got the nickname Glitter. When the girls and I were younger we used to play dolls and name our Barbies after our midddle names. Mine was always Glittera, which soon turned into the phenomenon that is my name. I use big words and have decent grades, just good enough for my parents' standards.
I'm around 5'6'', one of the tallest of the group, with long brunette hair that had never touched artificial dye of any sort, and hazel eyes. I play the clarinet in the High School marching band and I absolutely love it. I almost think I'm addicted to the taste of my reeds. It's sort of scary, but who the fuck cares, right? Music is my life. If it wasn't for music - and my friends of course - then I probably wouldn't be alive right now. I also love cheerleading. The only thing I can do is a cartwheel and the splits, but then again, it doesn't take much to make it on the cheer squad at our school.

I am easily the quietest of the group. I state my opinions only when they are absolutely needed and don't really stand up for myself. But once with my girls, I pretty much let loose. Only Bunny, Love, Peace, Rose and all the others know how fun and outgoing I am on the inside. Speaking of, Rainbow just kicked the shit out of half the soccer team.

That was typical Raina for you.

Currently, I am sitting awkwardly on the arm rest of the huge sectional in Dove's living room. Robbie is sprawled out on the couch, a hand over his bruised face as he groaned. I rolled my eyes, turning my attention to the television across the room.

Pretty much all of the girls had a crush on some douche from the soccer team. I, on the otherhand, stuck to the out of town boys. I kept my eyes on the sweethearts with cute faces, decent bodies, and absolutely no relationship or sexual ties with any of my friends. Yeah, I loved my girls and everything, but I didn't want to be talking to a guy who has swapped spit with one of them, touched one of their asses, or even worse; fucked 'em. I just wasn't into going after my friends' exes, even if they'd never been more then Buck Fuddy's.

At the moment, I had my eye on none other then Gem's cousin Josh. He was sweet, super cute, with a Bieber-flip and a 4.0. He lived a few towns over, but was ultimately the love of my life. I just knew it. Unlike my other friends, I wasn't 'boy crazy'. This meant that when I liked someone, I stuck with them and didn't fool around with anyone else. I hadn't had nearly as many boyfriends as that of Bunny or Happy, but it was okay with me. I was reserved and cautious about crazy things like love, and I liked it that way.

Dean, seated on the floor beside the sectional, let out a girly whine as Rainbow entered the room, a handful of Cheeto's hanging out of her mouth.

"Shut up, puss." She barked, which shut him up immediately.

I just shook my head and laughed quietly to myself, pulling my long hair up into a ponytail.

But when strong arms suddenly slinked around my tiny waist, pulling me up into a cradle position against a firm chest, the entire world stopped for a moment.

I stared up into the piercing green eyes of Noah Vaughn. The Noah Vaughn. As in the guy Candy had been crushing on for years. As in the guy that I never would have expected to kiss me, right in the middle of Dove's living room. I squirmed a little to get out of his arms with no results. My poor, best friend Cadance stood just feet away, jaw gaped in astonishment. Yeah, talk about awkward now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so my name is Meghan and I made Glitter almost the exact replica of me. Everything I described her as, except for the name, is all a description of me. I also am pretty much in love with my real life best friend's cousin. His name really is Josh and I described him exactly how he is. Haha, I'm gonna have fun with this xD

Oh, and the Noah thing just kind of came to me all of a sudden. Sorry Candy if it ruins your plans.
