Status: We're Back And Ready! :)

The Randomness That Are Girls

Chapter 27

Hello. This is Comfort. At my old school, everyone called me that because i always knew what to say or do to make people feel better. My actual name is Skyann Jameson, but Skyann is such an old sounding name to me! And the nickname 'Sky' just doesn't fit my personality. So I'm sticking with Comfort. I'm middle height, middle hair length, and just about middle everything. But i'm an aspiring poet, too. Song lyrics and poem verses randomly pop into my head. Do all writers get mugged by the creative parts of their minds? Well, I'm fairly new at that.
I'm actually new to this town in general.. My family used to move me around every year but this time, they said it was for good. We moved in a couple days ago and I noticed there was a group of friends so I thought I would go introduce myself last night..
That didn't work out very well. I was going up to the house where they were having a sleepover or something, but some guys beat me to it. Someone opened the door and an asian girl flew out and started beating the boys up. Of course I dove behind a tree so I wouldn't be a stalker, but I was in an awkward position on the cement. Laying down and half clutching my stomach from laughter and half trying to stop me awe-struck jaw from dropping with surprise.
Well, I'll try in a bit.. I walked there after the boys limped home and inside, someone was sobbing.. My urge was to go in and comfort her but it would be weird because I don't know any of them and I just went into their house... So I waited until today.
The aura of their house still seems the slightest bit tense. Sigh. Maybe tomorrow. So I came to the park, took out my notebook, and started writing. And here I am.

The wind blows,
The tree sways
To the rhythm of nature.
Jays chirp.
And doves croon,
adding to the harmony.
The symphony of the wild.

Ok poems as they go, but not my best. Am I losing my poetic touch from lack of friends?
♠ ♠ ♠
Amber here, writing for Comfort! I'm fairly new to this site at all so I made Comfort new too. Maybe she can comfort Candy?