Status: We're Back And Ready! :)

The Randomness That Are Girls

Chapter 28

I can't stop crying. I'm sitting in the corner of the living room, everyone engaging in conversation that doesn't involve me. Cocoa has Candy somewhere in the house, all I know is that they are eating chocolate. Because Cocoa cannot have a talk with someone without giving them chocolate - one of my favorite things about the girl, honestly.

Noah left. After he kissed me, we got into a quick arguement. I yelled at him for kissing me, yelled at him for calling me Bella afterwards, yelled at him for saying I was to dull and boring to be named Glitter... well, I pretty much yelled at him until he finally just got up and walked out the door.

Candy probably hates me now. She has had a crush on Noah Vaughn since the beginning of, like... forever. Then she had to see him kiss me? Me out of all people? It was awful, and I felt so sorry for the girl. But I didn't want to talk to her. I didn't want to risk starting something even bigger.

Rainbow, Dove and Comfort are talking to the boys, seeming to be having a great time. Although we all knew that if Dove's parents happened to come home before any of the guys left, we would all be in for some trouble.


Most of the girls are alseep right about now. All except for me, Cocoa, Candy and Bunny. Cocoa and Candy are still in the middle of a conversation, while Bunny is quietly painting her fingernails. Again, no one is talking to me.

So instead of being ignored by my best friends some more, just beceause an idiot soccer boy decided to plant one on me, I put my head down on my pillow, pulled the duvet up to my chin and went to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Glitter was here xD
