Status: We're Back And Ready! :)

The Randomness That Are Girls

Chapter 30


I am officially and utterly bored. Not true, seeing as Pink's still here, but it's because of the fact that we've run out of snakes. Damn you, Britt. I walk into the lounge where Pink's plopped down on the couch. "So," I begin. "What do you want to do?"

She looked up at me, looking a bit sheepish. "I thought you would kinda ditch me to hang out with your new boyfriend..."

I just nodded and walked over to the cabinet. I pulled out the really thick dictionary and quickly spun around, throwing it at Pink's waist. I can't help it. I'm a short-tempered teenager. GOD!! I'M TURNING INTO MIDGET BRITT!!

"Oi! Bugger off! That 'urt it did!" I burt out laughing. Pink can do a marvellous Brittish impression. Reminds me of the times I had with my old pals, back in Eastbourne (London). Yes, I am a full-blooded Brittish. I moved here two years ago.

"God, Pink. I would never dump my best friend for a guy. Especially one who thinks he can skate better than us two pros!"

"Dream on. We'll never be pros. Face the facts, move on, I'm going to Cocoa's."

"We'll never pe pros with your attitude missy. I'm getting my board. Wait up."
Banging on the door. God, it's minus one hundred and thirty-two outside. It's worse than London in winter! "Cocoa! Open the damn door up. Move that booty of yours!"

Eventually Bunny came to the door. And... Oh. My. God. I am so sick of my phone going off! I violently take it out of my skull clutch (God, I'm turning into Rainbow!) and reluctantly put it to my ear.

"Oi! Whadaya want?!" I use my rare Brittish accent.

"Oh ya know. I would say that we would love a hug of yours, but seeing as 'e're in Eastbourne, never gonna 'appen, is it?"

"OMIGOD! SAPHH! Can I call you later?"

"Sure, but make it quick, me brother aint gonna wait all day to use the bleeding phone!"

I hung up on my old best friend - Saphhire - and happily skated inside, knocking Robbie and Dean over in the process. "Oi!" I keep up my accent. "Watch where ye going mate!"
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Pic of Song and her Brittish friends =>

Blue hair = Saphhire

Pink hair = Rosie

Black hair = Freya

Close up red hair = Song