Status: We're Back And Ready! :)

The Randomness That Are Girls

Chapter 32

I sighed as I watched my parents throw their suite cases down the stairs. They both had about three, so I was guessing they’d be gone for a while.

But really, when were they ever home? Ever since I can remember they were always coming and going, never staying longer than they had to.

While Dean and I were growing up, my grandparents took care of us while my parents went around the world.

I’m honestly not even sure what they do, its sad really. I’m seventeen and I think I’ve only talked to my parents maybe ten times? Yeah something like that.

“Their leaving again?” Dean asked as we walked up to me. I gave a sad smile to my younger brother and wrapped my arm around his shoulder.

“Yeah, they are” Dean shook his head and walked to the kitchen. When I finally felt hungry I walked into the kitchen to see Dean looking at my father with a pissed look on his face.

“Really? You get upset about me not saying ‘I love you’? how? I don’t know you!” He shouted and my dad looked applied. “Fine, don’t say it. It doesn’t matter” He walked over to my mother and she blow an air kiss our way.

“Don’t wait around for us, I don’t know when we‘re coming home!” Our mom yelled and then all that was heard was the door slamming shut.

I sighed and tears came to my eyes. Dean wrapped he’s arms around me and I rested my head on his shoulder. Even though he was only fifteen, he was still taller than me by a few inches.

“Sometimes, I forget you my younger brother” I could feel him chuckle and pull out of the hug. “Yeah, well that’s because I‘m awesome and better than you!”

I scoffed and smacked him upside the head. “And then right after I remember I’m older, and have all rights to ground your ass”

He gave a sheepish smile. Then after a few minutes asked, “Hey, Cam, you think I could just hang with you and your friends today? I don’t feel like being with the team”

I smiled and motioned him to follow me to the front door. “Yeah, I‘m sure it‘ll be fine. We‘re going over cat, bunny, and cocoas house”

He nodded and a slight blush over took his face. I smiled as we walked out the door and we were off, hopefully to have a better day then earlier.