Status: We're Back And Ready! :)

The Randomness That Are Girls

Chapter 33

Bunny’s POV

I was hanging upside down from my bed, texting all of my friends. I suddenly got a text from an unknown number, and confusedly read:

Hey, babe. Miss me?

I roll my eyes. Xavier.

Get a life, stalker.

Y would I wit u round?

Cuz my friend can kick ur butt.

O, Raina? She’s not that scary.

Xavier, she face planted u in2 the sidewalk & made u faint like a wuss.


U know it’s true.

I’m not a pussy.

I didn’t say u were.

There was a longer pause than normal. Then, Xavier texted me: Don’t u ever just wanna cuss ur ass off? XD


& y not?

Cuz cussing is 4 idiots.

O, I’m gonna get u 4 that!

U wish.

I smirk as he didn’t reply. Sometimes Xavier really is a pain in the neck.

“Bunny! Our girls are here!” Cocoa yells impatiently.

“Alright, coming!” I yell quickly in reply, jumping off my bed and speeding down the steps. Cat was already there, rolling her eyes at my lateness. “What?” I ask ignorantly.

“Come in, come in.” Cocoa quickly ushers everyone in. “Hey, where’s Sweetie?”

“I don’t know,” Cookie says, shrugging.

“Cookie!” I yell, tackling her into a hug, making both of us fall down.

“Aye! What are you doing?”

“I dunno. I just felt like hugging you,” I say, grinning down at her.

“Well get off!”

Cookie pushes me off of her, making me pout.

“You hurt my feelings!” I yell in a baby’s voice.

“Aw, poor baby,” I hear Xavier’s familiar and deep voice say as he chuckles.

My eyes went wide, and I ran outside, screaming at the top of my lungs, “Stalker! Help! I’m being raped!”

Nobody bothered opening their doors to help me. Nearly everyone on the street knew me to be “that crazy chick who runs around in the middle of the night screaming.” Yeah, I’m so awesome!

“Shush up!” Xavier yells, running after me. “She’s fine, everybody! Just mind your own business!”

I could almost hear my friends giggling as I ran passed them. “Stalker! Rapist! Call the po-po!”

“What the hell is a po-po?”


“Berenice Victoria Benigno! If you do not get your butt in the house then I will have Rainbow come after you!”

I run over to my big sister, Cocoa, hiding behind her back like a tiny child. “Be a good big sister and get my stalker!”

“Are you kidding me? He’s probably a lot stronger than he looks! I mean, I hear those little emos are like freaky strong!” Cocoa says, shaking her head at me.

“I’m not emo!” Xavier yells, glaring at my sister. “But I am strong, right babe?”

“I told you not to call me that!”

I go at him, full-force, knocking him onto the wet grass. “You’re going to pay, stalker!”

He merely smirks, flipping us over. “No, I think I said you’re going to pay for calling me an idiot and a pussy.”

“I called you a wuss!”

“So? Same thing.”

“No, it’s not!”

“You’re a persistent little thing.”

He rolls his eyes, and I flip us over with me now on top. I like it like this. “I win! Ha!” With that said, I stand up, only to have Xavier pull me back down.

“Help! Rape!”

“Shut up, you little psycho!”

“Cocoa! Mr. Stalker called me a name!” I whine.

“Eh, you’ll live!”

Some big sister I’ve got, huh? But, I love her anyway. She’s lucky.

“Xavier, let go!” I whine pitifully.

“Hmmm … let me think about that … umm … no.”

He grins triumphantly at me as I pout.

“You suck.”

“Cuss and I’ll let you go.”


He shrugs, squeezing me, and I squeak. I. Hate. Him. “Let go!”

“Not until you cuss, babe.”


“Rainbow’s not here yet,” Cat says, smirking at me.

“Curse her!”

“You’re almost there,” Xavier says, obviously enjoying this.

“Fine. Crap.”

“Doesn’t count.”

I groan. Once again: I. Hate. Him.

“You’re such a dick!” I yell angrily. I squeak and blush as I realize what I just said. Cheese crust! Xavier smirks, letting me go. I sprint into the house, grabbing a Sprite and chugging it down as fast as I could. I had never cussed before. Ever.

What is he doing to me?

I go for another can of Sprite, and another. I’m going to be so hyper when this is over. I finish drinking my fifth can of Sprite, and groan. Ugh. My stomach is killing me! Now I know why nobody drinks five cans of Sprite so quickly. Nevertheless, I grabbed more and chugged it down.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh yeah! I went there!

And I actually have drank, like, three cans of Sprite pretty quickly. (My stomach hurts just remembering!) But, I made Bunny tougher than me. XD