Status: We're Back And Ready! :)

The Randomness That Are Girls

Chapter 37

Hm.. This is becoming a habit, isn't it? After the night (er.. morning) I met Sweetie here, on the slide, I came here almost every day. Hoping to see her again. Notebook in hand and Ipod under hoodie, I walked into the playground. It was a personal challenge to see how many different places I can find to sit. On the slide, the swings, on every railing, Ah ha!
I clipped my pencil (mechanical) to the binding of my spiral notebook and tucked it under my arm. I climbed up over the railing, grabbed the bars, and pulled myself onto the roof covering of the playground. But my notebook fell. I went up and down three times, each time dropping something. My notebook, my Ipod... Me.
"Oof!" I fell with a thud. I heard nimble footsteps and giggling. Looking up from the ground, I saw an Asian girl with a soccer ball under her arm.
"Need some help?", she said with another laugh.
"Nah. I'm comfortable where I am." I got out of the awkward position and crossed my legs with my arms crossed over my chest, never getting up off the floor.
She kept laughing and the butterflies that always resided in my stomach cheered, anticipating a new friend. (me, not them)
"Who are you? I've never seen you around" She said that while pulling me up roughly. Man, she has a strong grip!
"Well, I can say that, too. I've never seen you at the playground. I'm the new girl. My name is Skyann, but I hate that. Call me Comfort."
"Cool nickname, my name is Raina, but my friends call me Rainbow."
"Does that mean I'm suddenly your friend?", I replied, raising an eyebrow playfully.
"O'course. I'd love to take the new girl under my wing."
She explained that she had just 'rescued' her friend Bunny, but people were all of a sudden crying and screaming and she had to relax.
I smiled, looking at her intently. "I think I can help".
She looked delighted and said, "Oh, really? You think you can soothe a traumatic teenage girl who was just partially cheated on?"
"Oh, thats my specialty. Now, where's that house...?" I brushed myself off and looked at her questioningly.
She perked up and ran in front of me, beckoning. I took that as an invitation and sprinted to catch up. She's really fast! By the time we got to the house, I was breathing heavily and loving every second of it. I just hope they don't all just see me as a therapist...

"HEY GIRLS! I brought help! Now stop your crying!! Puh-lease!!" Rainbow's voice projected through the entire house and everyone stared at me... I blushed scarlet. There were girls and guys strewn all over the living room. A girl sobbing with a "What did I do?" look on her face and some girls looking sympathetic. The guys were just sitting there, awkward and confused. Except one that looked absolutely guilty. My butterflies danced and fluttered, encouraging me to do something.
I went to the sobbing girl and smiled a friendly, comforting smile that my old friends said that would "Melt the heart of a rock". Not that rocks had any.. I whispered in my most soothing voice, "What happened?" She looked relieved to finally find someone to talk to and shooed everyone else, most to all of our surprise. She got up and went to her room (I think..)
"I-I didn't mean to!"she blubbered. "I didn't know that Cat liked him! I kissed him for re-revenge! And now I'm- I'm.." She broke out n sobs again.
"Revenge for cheating?" I suggested and she nodded furiously, not trusting her voice. "Don't worry, I'll make her understand. My name is Comfort, thats what I'm best at" I was going to say 'Thats what i do'. but that will make me sound like a hired therapist.
She stuttered out a complicated story about people named Cat, Candy (herself), Noah, and Dean. Typical misunderstanding story.
I worked my magic (hee hee..) and she was fine. "Thanks Comfort... I want to go outside now." I obliged and people gaped at me like it was a miracle. She went to a scared looking Dean (not of Candy, of Rainbow) to ask him why he kissed her back. I smiled bashfully and went upstairs to where Cookie and Cat were.

I find that my voice is hard to not open up to.. Is it because my mom is a singer? I boldly opened the door and sat on the carpet. I smiled a smile that hopefully looked like 'I understand and have the whole story' not 'I'm a crazy lunatic who barged into your room'
After introducing myself to them, I fell into the rhythmic pattern of talking, telling them everything they do and don't know in a softened way. To make them understand without being offended. I finished with another smile and waited for an answer.
Cat seemed annoyed that Candy used her crush as a tool but would forgive her if she apologized. Cookie looked like she was barely grasping what she was hearing from my mouth. Cat was embarrassed that she blew up like that so I called Candy to her room and plopped down on the sofa. I'm soooo tired..

Rainbow said, "Finally! Some peace around here!"
Some guy muttered, "Until you talked"
She raised a fist and said "What did you say?!??" And then she proceeded to kick all of the boys out of the house.. Literally. Ahh, I could get used to this.
When everyone cam eout and was in good spirits again, my mother called. *inward groan*
"Where the hell are you?! Your father thinks you've run away or joined a f**kin brothel or worse!" That's my mother for you. The reason I hate cussing is that I don't want to be like my mom in that aspect..
I held the phone from my ear and said, "Mom! Relax! I just made some new friends and I'm at their house!"
My incredibly bipolar mother relaxed and said softly, "That's nice, dear. Come home as soon as you can!"
The girls were all looking at my phone strangley and burst out laughing, I joined in and then walked to the door and waved.
Sweetie suddenly yelled out, "Meet us again?!"
I called out, "Just knock on the new house and I'll be there!"

And thats how I met the amazing girls. :)
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A bit long.. Do you like it? How does Comfort sound? Good? Bad? Horrible? Sorry about all the questions..